Anchor Tony?

Any consensus on Tony as a level 3 X-Factor character? Most of what I’ve seen on here is about point or second Ironman.

He gets a great speed and damage boost, can do 1.4 million damage combos that are insanely easy, meter-less, and build nearly 2 bars. His assists are excellent and, if you are fast with your fingers, lets his TAC infinite be available to two characters.

All that being said, I’m only a few months in with Stark and have a ton to learn. Enlighten me!

Might I recommend Tony Stark’s House of Ribs? I believe they have some great baby-back ribs and beer this time of year.

Ya I love that thread. Much appreciation. Was more looking for opinions and insight as far as that position of Ironman, not necessarily more specific tech haha!

the thread is for all things iron man regarding tech and other random inquiries.