Anchor Magneto

Anybody have advice on how I should approach players with an anchor mags. All I ever do is go for magnetic blasts the entire time

I was about to ask the same thing but try the Q and A that’s where I’m heading.


If you save X-Factor Level 3 you should be fine…
He becomes really fast so start off with some jump forward dash magnetic blast…
Or triangle jump LK, Or fake over head by LK after you land…
and if it hits just combo into:
cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, S, j.M, j.M, fly, j.L, j.M, j.H, dash, j.H, dash, j.H, dash, j.H, dash, j.H, dash, j.H, S, Gravity Squeeze or Shockwave…

cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, S, j.H, dash, j.H xx Mhypergrab, (land), cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, S, j.M, j.M, fly, j.L, j.M, j.H, dash, j.H, dash, j.H, dash, j.H, dash, j.H, dash, j.H, S, Gravity Squeeze or Shockwave