"An unhandled error occurred (0xffffffff)" (PC VER. STEAM)

When I launch the game from Steam, I get this error upon startup : Street Fighter X Tekken An unhandled error occurred (0xffffffff)

I don’t know how to fix it, I’m currently reinstalling, but I doubt that will work because I tried reinstalling SSFIV:AE and the error persists : Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition An unhandled error occurred (-1)

i had a similar problem with AE. but that link should help. but first right click the game file…and choose “run compatibilty mode” let your pc fix the error for you.
if that doesn’t work…then try to do what the last poster mentions in the thread i linked above.

and if all else fails…move the game’s folder to another location like PUBLIC USERS.

yeah, that shit only happens with capcom games. i never have any problems with any other download pc game. just AE.

i had an unhandled error -1 occured. fatal error. this is a common problem for AE pc game users. it happened to me twice.
its capcom. what can i say.

Neither of those things worked. I’m trying installing a GFWL Game that I have in disc form. Maybe that will work. From my google magic, the reason many people get it is because GFWL doesn’t start properly or something along the lines of that, so I’ll try it with this game.

EDIT: It’s clear now that Games for Windows Live is simply NOT installing. Upon startup of Viva Pinata, everything goes well until I hit a screen that says “You are not signed into Windows Live. Please press HOME to login and continue.” I press home, but nothing happens. Absolutely nothing. Normally, Home would open the Games for Windows Live overlay menu thing iirc.

It’s a games for windows live error. Try this, download this file and put it on the games installation directory.


I had to register just to reply because I know how frustrating this can be. Hope it helps.

I appreciate your help!!! Thank you so much! It worked!

Just installed Windows 8 and I was getting the same problem.
After installing and reinstalling GFWL, SFxT, and AE it’s finally working.

You have no idea how much I love you. I tried for several days to try playing SF4AE (downloaded off Steam) to run on my Win XP machine. I was stuck at the GFWL bug stage, and nearly resigned. I stumbled upon this thread, downloaded this Xlive.dll, put it inside Windows\Systeme32 replacing the one inside it.

And wow, everything works (bar the controls, but I’ll get to it eventually).

T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U S-O M-U-C-H !!!

please upload this file on google drive or mail me at vermabunty20june@gmail.com if it is of less mb,as the access to this site is now restricted…please help anyone.