I turned in my cable box a few years ago. Saved me a TON on my bill. Now it’s only the $40/month just for net. Wasn’t even watching 10 channels myself before that. Figured I’m just wasting money having this cable box.
The internet is soo much better to watch everything, but the atmosphere the cable provides is too hard to let go. + what else am i gonna use to break up some tension with a woman in my house and make her comfortable. + Theres annoying ass kids that always come over, don’t wanna deal with them, hit them with the TV+playstation.
Seriously though, if it aint on Netflix/Hulu or a torrent isn’t available, it’s not worth watching in the first place. Ill keep the extra cash from my check while you continue to shovel out storage wars, Ripoff Stars Pawn Stars and shitty reality shows. Stay Free television.
I watch all my sports live, streaming over the net. You can quite literally watch any live sport, from college ball to champions league soccer. I got fed up with how the NHL was airing the games. I had to watch TSN to watch some games, CBC to watch Saturday games, Sportsnet to watch even more games, and finally Leafs TV to watch specific leafs games. So many channels just to watch my team play during the year.
Finally said fuck it and decided to start using atdhe and sportlemon, and I have never looked back since.
Only thing I miss about TV is the random factor. When I wanna watch something now, or throw it on for background noise, I have to actively search for something, and load it up. With TV you could just turn it on, put on a random channel, and go from there.
But the cable bills have gotten so ludicrous, I just couldn’t continue living like that, pissing away money on shit I just wasn’t watching.
TV is honestly worthless unless its sports, some news, or just turning to a random channel for background noise. lol
I seriously get everything online from cartoons to a lot of news to television shows like The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones etc…
My Playstation has everything else on it I need for entertainment like netflix hulu youtube porn etc
Maybe TV will become interesting again if VR becomes mainstream but even then they’d fuck it up with commercials and stupid shit.
How the fuck can there be part of a channel to qualify for “17.8” channels watched? Is Nielsen grading it based on minutes spent watching a channel, or are they just fucking stupid?