American Government Thread 2: RIP John McCain, 81

Honestly Vader isn’t redeemable at all if you look at dudes history.

Yeah… cannon says he IS though.

He even got Force Ghost status.

Trump ain’t even half of Darth Maul tier.

And by that I also mean he’s so soft that Ewbiwen could dice him.

That just tells me The Force is soft and rolls over easily lol. “you said you’re sorry? Ok I’ll just forgot all those children you murdered in cold blood. We cool”

The Force is so soft, it got SJW shit from OUR universe pegged into it.

Eeew you just said SJW. Gross.

I know, right?

It was a lazy way of saying 3rd Wave White Women’s Attainment to Property Rights and Their Cake Too.

I would have said JJA shit, because that encompasses both what I said AND the laziness that prompted it.

But I went for clarity.

Somehow this story feels strangely apropos

Also, I’ll call a fuckin’ spade, a spade.

Just because Gamers Gaters are the absolute abysmal ass-end of all that is male, does not let their diametric twin off the hook for their wretchedness.

Flip sides of the same septic coin.

The wall is coming!

Just not where you’d expect it.

They soften the “standards” for plot convenience
it sorta fits the Christian ideas of forgiveness and seeking redemption, as vader did put Luke before himself to stop Palpatine.

Daily ‘die already Jeff Sessions’ post.

Won’t click a Vox link, but I know Sessions’ never gonna let go of that early-childhood viewing of Reefer Madness that he took to heart. My guess is “it all links back to ‘the mary jewana’” or whatever he calls it.

I’m fine with the guy outside of his views over marijuana, but goddamn that shit pisses me off every time he goes on about it. :bluu:

I don’t care if you hate or don’t hate Rand Paul; but he’s right:

People don’t know shit when the war in Afghanistan ends. Fuck Afghanistan. Fuck Iraq too.

Rand Paul is definitely a principled patriot

Presidential candidate maybe?

From that article:

“You can make a point all you want, but points are forgotten,” Tillis added.** “There aren’t a whole of history books about great points in the U.S. Senate.”**

Please tell me that was an editorial mistake, and not how an actual elected Senator attempts to construct a sentence.

I wonder who, and how much Jeff Sessions is getting paid to try and kill legal weed.



A good read about what happened in the stock market. Gets good in the middle when they really start explaining the mechanics of it. The TLDR is what goes up, must eventually come down. It’s no surprise to anyone smart that after record gains the market would eventually fall and correct itself. Whether it will continue falling in this correction, or not, is partially the subject of the linked article.

So you are fine with his homophobia, racism, xenophobia, support of segregation, his belief in creationism, him forcing christian beliefs in what is supposed to be an unbiased position, his abuse of the law, and of course his kowtowing to trump spitting on the department that he heads.

Yes sessions is your guy