American Government Thread 2: RIP John McCain, 81

It isn’t about a requirement, its about basic necessities of modern life.

We’re going straight into shit show territory if you don’t think there should be an effort to help people have their documentation in order.

It already is a nice shit show to watch.
I mean, check this sad turtle out:

Yeah… Basic state-issued ID should be a free service for everyone.

I…yeah I can’t find much fault with this in the long run. Paying for this from taxes benefits the community as a whole and shouldn’t cost too much to implement. Then you have the additional issue of people not having birth certificates though.

Be surprised how complicated establishing your identity is and how little of those documents poor people have. Like I said, big problem that both sides acknowledge and neither wants to fix so they can argue over voter ID shit.

It’s 2018 and we don’t have government issued IDs. Like, everyone should have one. Including biometrics that help solidify your identity is authentic. It’s a joke that SSNs are still used the way they are. “Hey here’s a secret number that kind of IDs you as you that only YOU should know” maybe worked 60 years ago but now we live in an age where if I do something as insignificant as fart on a bus, the entire world can essentially learn about it a minute later due to the Internet.

I don’t know, biometrics is getting close to that uncomfortable “how much of your biology is private information” debate we haven’t really had. I still think the iPhone X’s face recognition is going to be a supreme court case; at the very least have one appeal’s court decision on it eventually.

but really, picture ID shouldn’t be a hassle to get from the state. It wasn’t for me at 18 here in TX, but I understand why it would be for a large amount of people. Neither part doing something about it bothers me greatly.

It so stupid when you think about it. “We can’t have voter ID laws because poor people often times don’t have IDs.” Everybody is cool with them not having IDs though. Really? if this is how it works then republicans are waging war against the poor and democrats disingenuous about legitimately helping people.

We have a winner, ladies and gentlemen!


I agree with the biometrics bit somewhat, but biometrics is still a great way to ID you as you than other methods we currently have. Point being that it’s way too easy to steal someone’s identity simply because you know their SSN. The method in which we use SSNs is extremely outdated, and government issued IDs, paid for by the government so EVERYONE gets one, would help absolve this and tackle some other issues like the voter ID debate.

This is my thing: who DOESNT have some form of legal ID? And if you don’t have one, maybe you have problems that don’t include voting in the next election. I’m not saying there aren’t extentuating circumstances but by and large, voter ID laws shouldn’t be a big deal as long as states (and this shouldn’t be left to the states to decide, let’s be honest) mess it up somehow.

I could understand it if we were still living in the early 20th century, but this is 2018.

You need legal id’s for any government assistance

I think making things mandatory via id drives in those poor urban and rural areas would solve a lot of these issues

But illegals don’t want to be found. So…

Sit down.
Illegals just want a chance to have a semi-decent life. Give most of them a reasonable legal out and the vast majority of them will take it.

Illegals don’t want be found as Trump has no issues ass raping them.

What a piece of shit… Obsessed with matters that only involve himself.

Also… Shooter was white.

Thread needs more images of lol:

But eugene would take the most shit

There really needs to be something done about parents giving such easy access to their weapons.

I got mine locked up.

But these kids just go and get their parent’s guns and go in

Most people don’t care about some people they don’t know getting shot up across the country. They read the headline and move on with their day. This is America, this shit happens every single day and has for probably almost a decade and still nothing’s been done about it.

The only way you’d get a politician who’s really do something is if it was one of their kids who got shot. But those kids grow up among kids who are relatively well adjusted or at least benign enough to fake their way through life if they aren’t. “Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers…” It’s the ultimate in slacktivism right there. It’s basically the same as forwarding an email or retweeting something believing that if you do it, maybe, just maybe something magical will happen. I don’t know why politicians even bother to make statements about these shootings when they aren’t willing to pick up the ball and run with it.

Precisely what I what going to quote and say.



Down is the new up. :confused: