American/European/Canadian 3rd strike

Secret Italian event on arcade or console?

Well, yeah, mmm…

First thing first. Which area do you visit, Mitri? If you can get close to Venice you can play at my place anytime. A bit more difficult to set up something in Milan nowadays but still doable. Nothing much anywhere else.

We still have players, but the few dedicated ones are often spread in different cities and too busy or whatever to travel regularly. It was “ok” up to 2010 though, 2011 also, we had semi-regular monthly ranbats back then. Incidentally I started visiting Japan in 2010 and haven’t stopped yet. I always wanted to attend stuff in other EU cities as well (mad respect for what happens in Paris and London), but this Japan thing pretty much owns my finances, so… yeah.

Guess we’ll rise from our grave with this big secret event. Except it’s neither secret nor big. It’s just a gathering at someone’s place in Milan with lots of 3rd STRIKE, food and drinks. We’ll have fun. I guess that if someone here is interested in joining we might talk about it.

Bottom line: we love 3s, but 3s loves us slightly less.

Thanks for the response LUN. Most of the time I go to the Naples area. I’ve got less reasons to visit the north, but it happens.

Anyways from what I gather from your post and your website it’s console 3S in Italy at the moment, or does the Milan guy have a machine? I’m only really interested in travelling for arcade :sweat:

I was browsing the southwest section (since I use to live in Texas for 5 years) and came across this. it’s from a month ago. apparently arcade UFO is still having small events for 3s.

I don’t know why the Austin players don’t post in the 3s threads any, but if you’re a player here that browses these threads and live in Texas, check out their arcade since they still play 3s there?!?!

On a side note, I think whatever arcades that are left with 3s players should consider beginners events or some kinda tutorial/lesson type events like Game newton and mester host. I doubt it’ll be highly successful but arcades are a business and it’s a low risk thing to try out.

For Belgium:

Elive Arena moved a while ago, maybe that’s why I couldn’t get in the last couple of times, not clear.
Anyways Brussels has an arcade again:

Elive Arena
Chausée de Waterloo 875
1180 Brussels

Friday 8:00 pm - 3:00 am
0484 60 78 60

2 Astros with 3rd Strike