Am I the only one absolutely furious with Capcom for not supporting HD Remix?

I think it’s hilarious that they make a game and leave it to have dodgy bugs like people having to restart the whole game after 4 or 5 matches

Apparently its ok for video game companies to do that.

Why use the word lazy? I’m no programmer, but I would guess creating new content takes a lot more work than fixing a game bug.

no, they could be considered equal in some regards. Fixing the bug, could produce unintended consequences.

As an example, ken’s crazy kick glitch where he passes through shotos. It could be fixed, but not knowing why it really happens in the first place, means it could mess up other things as well.

Well to be fair, Capcom doesn’t do a lot of advertising for a lot of their older games. HDR is a remake of ST with balance updates and it also appeals to newer players to the original games. It’s not as if you see advertisement for 3rd strike, MvC2, or etc. The reason (imo) they promote games like SFIV, SSFIV, MvC3, and SFxT is because Capcom is trying to get the most for their money. 10million copies of SSFIV makes far more money than 20million downloads of HDR. If HDR were a hard copy game, they would probably advertise it more but at the same time, the game itself would be around 30-50 bucks. Realistically, you should expect capcom to advertise the crap out of MvC3. Do you know how many people have been waiting for that to happen? Another reason (imo) for lack of players/advertisement (iyo) is that because ST is one of the more challenging games, people tend to look away. A lot of the revenue comes from young aged people because they’re captured by the graphics and the freedom you have in SSFIV than in HDR.

You can always advertise the game yourself if you really want that many more players in HDR but I’m happy with the amount of people playing.