Am I the only one absolutely furious with Capcom for not supporting HD Remix?

Seth Killian really lit a fire in me when he got up there at the MvC3
panel at Comic Con and basically said “Capcom cares about it’s fans
more than SNK and all these other franchises!”. So where is Capcom
caring about HDR fans? Are they making so much profit from their newer
flashier games that they figure they can ignore that 5% of their
fanbase that still cares about HD Remix? I do not care how successful
MvC3, SSF4, and SFxT are, I will never let anyone forget how Capcom
abandoned their fans for HDR if that’s what they have decided to do. I
know it’s SF2, but if they are 110% serious about pleasing all of their
fans, not just the loudest and noisiest, then they have to do something
for this game.

And if they dont want to support HDR in the future, then say something.
If it’s because David Sirlin left Capcom and is no longer working on
the game, then OK fine. If it’s not cost effective to keep patching HDR
due to low sales and general lack of interest in HD remix then OK. Saying something in this case is far far better than nothing at all.

I also posted this on the HDR Capcom Unity Forum if you want to look at it there.

The question at hand for you, then, is this: How are they failing to support it? Then, what are some things Capcom could feasibly do about that? I’d love to see as many people as possible playing HDR, but you’ve been a bit ambiguous about how exactly they are dropping the ball.

lol @ capcom caring most about it’s fans.

maybe he means capcom is aiming to put out as many mediocre games as possible for it’s fanbase.

  1. PSN bugs that have yet to be fixed
  2. Reduced or eliminated promotion of game once SSF4 came out.

In any event, it doesn’t surprise me Capcom doesn’t promote HDR. HDR was never the original battle plan. It was just supposed to be ST with a shiny new coat of paint. iirc, Sirlin had no real help for Backbone constructing the rebalanced version of ST outside of one programmer (which may or may not have been on Backbone’s staff).

The fact that Sirlin and Backbone had a falling out probably also has something to do with it.

A corporation “caring” for its fans = non-existent. They care as long as there is a revenue stream, once something loses popularity (HDR) they move on.

OK I wasn’t clear on what support would mean. How about patching the PS3 bugs? How about releasing the game in Japan if there is interest? How about fixing problems with online that I’ve heard about? How about adding trophies to the PS3 version? I just read an article about that on another website from last year and many HDR fans are upset that trophies never got implemented. You can see the article at

Trophies…well, that’s a cost to implement versus potential return Capcom must feel is out of their favor. The same must hold true for all of the bug fixing and online patches.

A Japanese release, on the other hand, would (have) be(en) wonderful.

Too bad for ps3 users that hdr wont be fixed, i was a ps3 user, and it’s frustrating to have a mediocre port version of the game.

I’ve posted a similar thread on capcom unity’s forum, complaining about the game and asking why they’re ignoring us, link here: Whoops! Browser Settings Incompatible

Now… i had to buy a new console, pay for online gaming and pay for the game AGAIN, in order to have the nice and good version of the game. i still upset about the way how capcom abandoned this game, not for me because i feel the power of the dark side now(xbl) lol but because of my psn friends :S there’s a lot of good competition there and great memories, these persons payed for the game too, so they deserve a nice version.

Well Capcom should have just come out and said that it wasn’t profitable to implement trophies instead of this “we never promised it” nonsense. Again, if Capcom doesn’t want to fix ps3 HDR then just make a formal press release and say it. Then make sure it’s on all the major news sites like so no one can say they didn’t know.

i guess they stated about a year ago that they’re not planning to realease new patches for the game, that was on capcom unity site, sorry i don’t remember the article or thread itself.

Xb360 version still has some glaring bugs too. The least Capcom could do is bring both versions to parity with each other.

they did the same with MVC2 for xbox 360, every once in a while the game would freeze on the same screen when someone leaves your room. pissed me the hell off

I’d say the complete lack of Asian release is pretty bad. The game could use another patch, though I don’t know if it NEEDS one per se.

If I had to choose, I’d rather have a Japanese release than a patch. It’d be close though. The game runs fine offline, and that’s the way it was meant to be played, in arcades, in person, and in tournies. So screw the patch, I’d rather see the whole world playing this game offline and online.

Yeah, I second the Japanese release over the patch. I rather bulk up the fan base for this game than wishing for a patch that may never happen. A Japanese release would seem more feasible since it’s less work and more about distribution from COJ.

If they make another patch, it would have to be from Backbone…not Capcom, since they didn’t designed this buggy game. Between PSN and XBL, the patches would have some dissimilar issues that needs addressing. Remember the last patch was suppose to address all the issues and it did in most areas where as some areas remained broken. At this point, I’m thinking it’s Backbone who don’t give a sh!t about HDR.

HDR = New
SSF4 = “New-er”

Remember HDR was not a capcom corp, thing but a capcom usa thing. thats why its not really supported. Sirlin had to fight tooth and, nail to get it done. it was shot down likt 5 time before he got the go ahead

As long as they don’t make something like DMC2… THEY CARE!!

Capcom never listened to any of my feedback ever so why should I get mad at them in this case when I felt they have always been this way. I believe money is Capcom’s favorite fan. If it makes financial sense then they will probably do it, otherwise no chance.

Thank you for that information. I had no idea Sirlin had to fight that hard. That makes me respect Sirlin even more now. Also the part about the game being a Capcom USA project might explain why the game was never offered in Japan.

At the very least, HDR has been successful enough to draw a small but dedicated fan base that has gotten the game to be featured at many majors and at Evolution 2 years in a row. I’m grateful for all of this and realize that it’s just one game and there are many other great Capcom titles coming in the next few years so I won’t hold a grudge against them anymore.