To bring both versions to parity mostly. Especially since it seems the PS3 is Evo’s console of choice.
Ever heard of 2 in 1 ?
Or L-cancel ?
I think Z-canceling was unintentional (SSB64), while L-canceling was intentional (melee).
As for bug fixes (PSN version), I still occasionally have the custom controls going back to default randomly which definitely needs fixing. The game crashing bug you get from freezing at the vs. screen should be fixed too. Some people would like to have akuma banned by defualt or an option to ban him in ranked/player rooms. Personally, I haven’t lost to an akuma in forever so I don’t really care about that.
I’m not sure how much fixing these things will actually cost when it is all said and done, but I think if they threw together the basic fixes, old stage graphics, a few balance changes (T Hawk buffs, Cammy buffs, Akuma nerfs, Honda tweaks, random damage/stun/mash throw dipswitch, fix oversights like GH inconsistencies), and a Japanese release they would make their money back and make a nice profit. I can’t see how a Japanese release wouldn’t be profitable and throwing in a patch to go along with it seems like a good idea. Would releasing in a new region allow them a free patch for that region?
Since another patch might never happen, here some helpful options to deal with most common bugs:
About the custom control settings being back to default, seems its related to switch Ps3 control Slots 2, 3, 4 as P1 default controller, so just make sure use Slot 1 as P1 all the time and and no more reset bug.
For all the xbox fanboyism in this thread, there needs to be at least one person who will keep it in check.
PS3 players have every right to complain. Virtually every xbox player that tried PS3 was like fuck this I’m going to xbox, PS3 players that played xbox either stayed on xbox, or put most of their time there.
The PS3 version does deserve another patch.
Unless its economically, and commercially sound to continue selling broken products. Capcom was informed about the PS3 version 1.5 years ago.
Yes. I’ve also heard of Heffalumps and Woozles. So what?
A bug is, by nature, a mistake. If it turns out to be propitious, that changes nothing. It’s still an unintended (and usually undesirable) side effect.
Gotcha, I didn’t realize that the PS3 version was that jacked.
Although, hey, maybe next time buy a real console? :tup:
Or maybe companies shouldn’t allow such vast differences between two versions of the same game. Sure sometimes its intended(xbox/ps3 gets a different level or bonus stuff that other didn’t), but one of the core mechanics is obviously fucked up?
It feels like Capcom should be held accountable to some kind of standard here. Is it really legal to leave such a difference between the two versions?
The 2 versions aren’t that different. Worse netplay stability and that’s about it with 0 offline differences until someone proves input lag differences. hint hint
Yeah offline PS3 I didn’t see anything different gameplay wise compared to offline 360.
i feel a difference though. offline ps3 vs offline xbox. i feel like the xbox is smoother then the ps3.i have no hard evidence(frame data and input lag data), but its not just me that notices something funny between the 2. my buddy is a ps3 player, and he says that the xbox version feels off to him, and that offline he prefers the ps3. i don’t know what it is exactly, but when you play the 2 side by side you can feel a difference.
BTW guys, I just got back from SVB and chatted to Seth Killian about this a bit, as was already pretty obvious though, it just ain’t happening (same thing with Japanese release). Meh it sucks, but it’s still an awesome tournament game at least.
I would love to ask Seth Killian why a Japanese release seems so out of the question… I mean it could be that any Japanese players who want a copy already have one by getting a US hotmail / Live account but… who knows?
Well, I asked him exactly that Silver! I’m saving some of the stuff we talked about for my website, but basically, politics, short-sightedness. Capcom Japan being funny about releasing anything in Japan to do with Street Fighter that they didn’t develop.
I saw that and that’s why I asked to get more detail Remy lol! See, and here this whole time I thought it was due to some sort of licensing problem or some weird localization issue, but no… it sounds like corporate incompetence and Capcom Japan’s desire to remind Capcom USA that its ‘parts’ are bigger than their ‘parts’…
Sometimes Capcom’s corporate culture confuses me… Of course, it could be that Capcom Japan internally doesn’t feel the product would sell enough to warrant the localization effort… without their internal projections and without more concrete data its hard to say, but my gut tells me that I would think it would do well enough to cover said costs… so I’m led back to conclusion number 1… and I hate to chalk things up to incompetence…
Fuck Capcom I paid 1200 points and all I got was 2 games? where the fuck is my jet pack, cure for all sickness, army of models, and ribeye steak?
laughs I know what you mean orochizoolander… it’s just that I’d happily have spent 10000 points and got the game it could so easily be; obviously I on my own don’t make a market, but you get what I mean I hope. It’s frustrating when stupid stuff like a broken Akuma is left in.
There’s some other subtle ones though, like not being able to change the controller config online in the PS3 version so you have to quit the match and out of the room.
I may have said vast differences, and that was really an exaggeration, but the netcode is something that should be as unified as possible between the two systems.
Both systems originally had the desync bugs with start colors and claw, and both versions had the game freeze at vs, that forces you to restart.
PS3 still has one of those. To me, that’s unacceptable, especially since they are still selling, what is essentially a broken game. (from the context, that it couldn’t be working the way they intended it too, unless they are truly evil)
EDIT: Also, virtually all of my playtime for HDR is through online, so having an incomplete netcode is much worse than some input delay that may or may not be present.
Like I said: Stop buying Sony consoles. Seriously, developing for them is a bitch (compared to MS hardware), you have to expect more bugs in PlayStation-compatible software. My direct experience working on PS games is one reason for my never having bought a PS2 or a PS3 (though I did purchase a PSP, which was largely a mistake thanks to the incredibly awful D-pad). Until Sony improves it development pipelines, I’m not letting a PlayStation into my living room (as long as competitive options exist).
Is it legal??
So, what, you want to get the government involved? It’s not enough to complain to the company and stop giving them your business; take the bastards to court!
Yes, it is legal. :rolleyes:
Seriously, ya know?
Bunch of women. Whining, with entitlement complexes. Western culture is so p*ssy, now.