Am I the last bronze league player left?

made a family account with the name CEO-URIEN, hes rookie rank and will body you up to super platinum, people are double suprised playing as Urien and getting bodied by a rookie rank

Nope I am too. I just recently picked the game back up and a new main and I just can’t seem to make it out of bronze. I am hanging around Bronze/Super Bronze consistently since I started playing so that is likley exactly where I need to be though.

I just don’t get the logic behind the lp gain and lost.
Atm I am just a hair above 1k lp and won a player with 980lp. I got a bit over 30lp from that.
Next up is 1700lp ryu. So significantly more than I have. And I lose 55 lp to him. How does that make any sense? And this isn’t even an isolated case.

It’s based entirely on which league the players are the actual points don’t matter much. If I’m platinum and beat an ultra gold which is on league below I get 55 pts, if I beat another platinum I get 65 pts, super plat 75 pts and so on.

The matchmaking HAS gotten better, but I’ll probably still just stick to casuals.

I’m still bronze, mostly from me not playing anymore bcuz I mained gief and I suck haha.

I’m regular bronze with like 700 points, I mostly play casual match

I am bronze. Still learning this game. But it is more fun playing battle lounges and casual matches.

im bronze atm. at 1800. i refuse to play the game with the amount of rage quitters. well i refuse to play ranked. i stick to casual. it makes no difference to me. In 3s you fought everyone. idgaf who im fighting im learning and progressing either way. i wouldnt skip a match with daigo,yukodon mov or even hayao.regardless of their status. their good. ima lose but ima learn. ill play 50 matches and only win 4 of them and still learn from my mistakes theirs, pay attention to speed, frames play mind games play reverse mind games, sideways mind games, 90 degree mind games and inside out mind games. idgaf give me those 10000 point people. some of them havent even earned it.