First off, let me give a little background info on my PW history. When Ultimate was first announced, I, like many other people were extremely excited for PW, and when he was revealed, that excitement grew. I never thought of him as an assist character, I always thought of him as a point character, a little bit of a game within a game, and an entirely new take on a MVC character design. I remember hearing something about invincible assists, yadda yadda, but when I first got the game, I didn’t know which assist was invincible, and for some reason I didn’t really care. I almost always used “get em missile” for unblockable setups during the couple weeks of ultimate, even after finding out how amazing the other 2 were, and how missile was kinda bad in comparison. I do admit that after a while I started solely using break the witness, but I rarely found myself using it when tagged out in turnabout mode. I’d kinda forget about it, and that’s just sorta how I’ve always been with assists, I don’t use them as often as most people do, and I know that I probably hurt myself a lot because of it, and that’s where my feelings on the PW nerf come in.
When I first heard about the nerf, I was upset, I couldn’t believe they would nerf a character that is definately mid-bottom tier, if not straight up bottom. Even with that assist as good as it was, I couldn’t imagine anybody finding reason to complain about it, and every other reason that every other PW player is upset. The nerf just didn’t make sense, and didn’t seem fair after Capcom themselves hyped the assist itself up so much. However as of yesterday, I have gotten an entirely new outlook on it, I admit I haven’t played PW much in the last couple weeks, and had been losing a lot of desire to play him lately, I was sick of his counter-intuitive tools, and strings of bad evidence while a wolverine/wesker are trying to tear me apart. But all of a sudden, I feel like I want to play PW more than ever, and for the first time I feel like the character may have a real chance in this game. I feel like the nerf makes it obvious that turnabout mode is no longer the goal, there just is no reason left to try and force the issue of turnabout, when that mode doesn’t have the benefits to make it worthwhile anymore. Of course, if you get a chance to get it, go for it, but that’s not the priority anymore, and this has me very excited. I am sorry if this post was kinda hard to understand/poorly written, as I have a lot of trouble taking thoughts and putting them into coherent sentences for other people to understand. But please, if you understand where I’m coming from, let me know, we should be excited about this, that assist was kinda forcing us to cripple the character, by focusing on TM, instead of taking full advantage of courtroom mode, and focusing on that.
If I’m crazy, let me know, if you wanna talk shit, go ahead, I am genuinely excited about this character again, and truly think this nerf will help us in the long run (even though in the long run, yes, that assist would still help, but it’s forcing a new mindset on us).