Shrug, it’s a little OT but if it’s okay with SFD and Udoneko I don’t have a problem with this thread.
To answer your question, nope. I started my… I guess you can call it internet life right here at SRK in March 2002 just so I could take part in the old Warrior’s Fate Thread in the Fan Fiction section. Which is still going strong despite the huge SRK crash where everything was lost. Good times!
Bah- grumpy old man chiming in. IT was the best SF2 discussion place bar none. Alot of the founders of this site spent a lot of time there. I was actually disappointed when SRK was formed because it took away a lot of traffic from the old news groups. I see a few people here and there on this board and in xbox live who are leftovers from the newsgroup days (i play every now and then and read this once a month or so)
Go read some of the older threads on tiers in the older games. Strategy posts were great, admittedly some are probaly dated now because new techniques were discovered later but they are still good.
Other good threads were - How to pronounce ryu - is it ever worth giving a second round to a scrub or should you just beat them down without impudence. Trash talk was rampant - always some new guy claiming to be the best until someone from the group would make some journey to beat them down and 90% of the time they didn’t even show up.
Also one thing I miss - everyone posted under their REAL name. Well with the exception of a few like one of my buds Ultima (Jamie).
It used to be big back then. Everyone was there. I remember it when it was really popular and how we could get all SF posts straight into MS Outlook. Eventually SRK was formed, and most people migrated there. After that, the group more or less died. However, there will still be some of us that will remember those days as the early years of SF on the web. Maybe someone should write something about Street Fighter fans online…
AGSF2 was great… in the beginning. There was tons of useful shit there. Then a year or two before SRK came around it was atrocious, lots of spam and flaming and off-topic crap. And then everyone transferred to SRK and… well… this thing is the result.
I imagine a world without SRK would just be a more obnoxious, spam-ridden AGSF2. At least here it’s modded.