Alpha 3 Non V-Ism Characters

Ah, I figured Gen might have one, but I couldn’t tell for sure. You missed boxer though.
Didn’t Ken have one on P1 side with jump FP and re-activate?

Oh thanks.

Gen actually has two (and one is applicable to P2). Regarding Ken, I don’t know. I really seriously have spent absolutely 0 time experimenting with Ken.

Nice work Xenozip!
Only knew a very oldschool set-up. ^^

And Ken really has a re-activation VC, I think theres a vid of it out there. I’ll be searching!

Ah, it’s in Kireeks Combo vid. [media=youtube]E_9WrAT1pLM[/media] (originally released on

I heard from the combo maker scene that Kireek wanted to make a second more technical video of A3 combos, but he didn’t release anything yet.

if that’s the vid i think it is; anyone have trouble cancelling from dan’s rolling taunts during a vc?

Good shit with the video Xenozip.

Im gonna look at it when I get on my laptop, cause youtube doesn’t work on these computers.

I posted some information about the video in the video description on youtube, but I forgot to post it here.

– The first combo the opponent tech flips backwards and attempts to airblock, but it guard broken because Rose’s j.LP (j.JP) comes out too quickly for the opponent to block.

– The second combo the opponent tries to tech flip neutral (meaning no direction was held) and then immediately attempts and airblock, but again is guard broken.

– The third combo the opponent attempts to tech flip forward and then immediately attempts an air block, but once again is guard broken because Rose’s j.LP is just too fast.

– The fourth combo demonstrates that the combo is still possible to execute using the same attacks and the same timing as the previous combos even if the opponent does not tech flip. As you can see the damage is slightly less because in the other combos the damage is reset when the opponent tech flips.

– The final combo (fifth) demonstrates a couple things. First it demonstrates what happens when the opponent uses damage reduce on every hit of the combo (mashing for pink flash = damage reduction) and does not tech flip for further damage decrease. The other thing this demonstrates is that you can reactivate twice, and potentially even a third or fourth time depending on how many you need to KO the opponent.

– As a final note, I end each combo with c.HP (c.FP) into fierce Soul Spark because the tech-trap occurred midscreen which did not count towards the corner juggle limit. Therefor if I had ended the combo with anything else other than an airthrow or Soul Throw the opponent could have air teched at the end. The Soul Spark active frame duration prevents them from tech flipping at the end because it lasts until they reach the ground. Ending with a Soul Throw would have only added a pixel of damage and put them out of the corner, which is bad for oki/rushdown.

Finally saw it, and it was amazing.

Doing CCs with a3 in the lab is the shit.
a3 has too many ways to have fun with it.

In a week I’ll be playing anthology again and trying these.

As a lifelong Adon player, I would like to add that for him A is way better than X, simply because having the alpha counter outweighs his shitty non-chipping Jaguar Kicks, esp. when fighting the higher tiers.

I strongly disagree with the “shitty” part. I think his air jaguar kicks in X are a significant upgrade for his offensive game. Because of the control you gain you can use them in a lot of ways, not just for pressure. You can bait stuff like anti airs and VC’s with it, use it as a hard to counter tool to get in (delaying it or doing it early), control space, and it’s a major boost to Adon’s throw game.
Also, the super you want to use 90% of the time is his lvl.3 punch super, every other one is of minor importance. In X-ism the super meter fills up faster than in A-ism, so you get more out of it in X.
Playing in X means you have to play Adon more aggressive and you have to control space well, otherwise X-ism’s weaknesses will just make things harder for you. I think V is definitely his best Ism, and A is his most redundant one while still being useable. Remember, you won’t ever need AC’s if you can keep control and bait every single activation … now THAT’s motivation to master those air jaguar kicks isn’t it :wink:

X-ISM air jaguar kicks are a great way to get activated on. Plus they’re slow, have 0 priority, and easily get stuffed by people jumping straight up. Something like Cody :u::mk:/:lp: or Blanka :u::hp:/:hk: will beat it every single time. Even late. There’s a reason why Adon players rarely jaguar kick offensively in tourneys.
If you watch RO at a-cho, he spends most of the match poking with c. FK, ticking with s. LK, trying to bait activations with wall dive/JK feints, and moving them into the corner for an un-blockable.

That’s like you saying you won’t need to block if you never get hit. Unless you’re literally psychic, there’s no way you’ll bait every single activation. If you’re on A or X, I have no incentive to be tossing risky activations out. The very fact that the fear of activation keeps you from jumping at me means I can take my sweet time. Besides, what’re you gonna do about people with GC VCs like Ryu/Akuma/Cody/Sakura/Sodom/Claw, etc.

Don’t think you can rely on surprise jump-ins either unless you’ve got a really fast jump like Claw. I’ve got a finger hovering over the activation buttons any time I’m not on the offensive.

RO plays exclusively V-Adon, doesn’t he ? And air jaguar kicks are not about priority, they’re about positioning, mixing things up and hitting when the opponent least expects it. I never said to spam it, but just think about one part of Adon’s gameplay, his okizeme (since he gets quite a number of knockdowns due to his great sweep), where he now has plenty of ways to bait things out, cross up / don’t cross up, hit (reversal safe timing) or throw. That’s an upgrade to his game already, which is what i was talking about.
And i wasn’t too serious in the last sentence, maybe it wasn’t clear enough. I know very well why nobody wants to play X-Adon in a tournament (mostly because of the “X” part :wink:), still that doesn’t make him a shitty character. Most people just don’t invest time learning his gameplay, that’s why he was never really developed. My advise will always be, if you’re confident with your Adon, play X over A. I believe in X-Adon’s potential, and nobody is going to stop me from telling people the truth :wgrin:

Or m bison because he needs the wakeup supers to get people off of him.

I thought Bison was ass in A3 (all versions)?

I might try him out in A3U now that I know he’s solid. Just out of curiosity how is V and X Dictator?

A solid character in A (the last count had him at a C tier, but he’s definitely better in V) who gains some pretty handy advantages in V-ISM.

V-ISM is Bison’s best version: controllable B+strong is a great poke; anti-air and anti-ground VCs, and even a way to bait VC activations and punish, plus an infinite if you’re skilled enough.

X-Bison is not that great. Psycho Crusher is not very safe, does poor damage and has limited applications. A lack of the super-useful A-ISM Level 2 and 3 Psycho Crusher and no Bison Warp hurt him as well.

I figured he would be better in V-ism as well, but I have not seen any play of V-Bison…I’ll search Kuma and tdcs’s accounts again.

You won’t find anything there I don’t think. There are a few matches of VER. playing V-Bison, but your best bet would be to check GGPO and watch for a player called Juice. He’s hand down the best V-Bison player out there.

VER’s V-Bison: [media=youtube]FDcg8Rei56Y[/media]

Juice’s V-Bison: [media=youtube]5XcJ6XSpLjg[/media]