Alpha 3: Is Guy boring to fight against?

I was playing this person on GGPO with my Guy, and he said playing against my Guy was boring. I was trying to mix all the moves he has and I basically playing like Daigo aggressive style with the running stuff. Is Guy really boring to fight against?

Alpha 3: Dictator, why is he soo good?


He is exciting to watch thats for sure…

No, i dont believe that guy is a boring character, he actually makes fights interesting as CPU level 8 and as a human player.

Mods are slacking.

they rarely check out the alpha threads though.


in ggpo ppl just start to complain alot when they notice they’re outmatched, so don’t mind about em. but basicly it might piss off someone if you can do killer comboes with guy… i don’t find him boring to play against, i’d say there is no boring characters nor boring playstyles. but for example if one gets annoyed by turtling it usually means he just can’t play offensively.