Alpha 3 best version?

Can someone tell me or point me too a post (I did try searching) that will explain what is THE DEFINITIVE version of Alpha 3?
I have cps2 rom (mame) and the ps1 version. I love all the extra characters on the ps1, but is the anthology version (ps2)
better? DC? Saturn? What is best?
Thanks in advance

Zero 3 Upper (arcade only) is the best version

Accepted tournament version is the rather broken Alpha/Zero 3 vanilla arcade.

Alpha anthology is acceptable but you have to do some dip switch stuff to amke it perfect

I would advise the original poster to go with the PS2 Alpha Anthology/Fighter’s Generation as the best port of SFA3.

He may also want to check the SFA forum.

Am I the only one who gets a kick out of the Saturn version?

Personally I like the PSP version because of T. Hawk, but that’s just me.

Yeah, Alpha Anthology is the way to go for sure.

Ignoring arcade accuracy, the PS1 port is the most fun version.

Why? DeeJay and his ridiculous Max Out.

I like them all! Saturn is fun because of the you on 2 comp dramatic battle, PS1 and DC both have world tour modes (that are considerably different), and anthology has a nice port of Upper tucked in there. Plus Hyper Alpha is a lot of fun as well.

Note that the Saturn version is crazy expensive, I picked up a copy earlier this year for $74.

Is there a guide somewhere for the dip switch settings?

deejays fireball was like that in the saturn and dc as well.

ps2 alpha anthology is the best version for all the alphas, as long as you access the dipswitch menu for each game and load up one of the arcade romdate rulesets.

How is the psp version? Arcade perfect or not’

all this talk about arcade perfect, why not just buy the arcade board…

Give me some knowledge on the dipswitches, or better yet, tell me what changes and why am I changing it? Are the default settings bad or is it just better to play with the modified settings? <- dipswitch thread.