alpha 2 for pc

while i have the game for GGPO… i would buy this for the Training Mode :smiley:

how different is this port from the arcade version?

It’s the psx version.

well… how different is the PSX version compared to arcade then?

the resolution is kinda squashed (arcade: 384x224, pc: 320x240), many animation frames are missing, little graphical differences in the hud.
I’d go for the saturn version or the alpha anthology on ps2 if you want a home version.

i just wanted to mess around with it. i have A2 emulated since forever + GGPO

PS: are you the same Sp00kyFox from AE PC?

Tempted to buy this for the soundtrack

Picked this up the other day; lots of fun! Turbo all the way is as frantic as an ArcSys game.