I wish that they would do more than just ff dissida why not add some star ocean or xenogears or something else I dont know about but I just wanna play as claude from so 2 in a square enix dissida style
I wish that they would do more than just cpt crunch why not add some apples or blueberries or something else I dont know about but I just wanna eat peaches from fruits in a quakers cereal style
Not trying to be rude but I don’t think SRK is the best place to post these kinds of threads, especially in the Fighting Game Discussion board if it’s either not news on a new fighter, or a valid statement or question that would bring about an intelligent discussion on fighting games. You’re better off posting a thread like this on GameFAQs or whatever. :shake:
Welcome to Shoryuken
On one hand, I concede this is another pointless wishlist topic.
On the other hand, I agree that a lot of Star Ocean and Xenogears characters would be eons better in a fighting game than most of the lame-asses they have in Dissidia.