i need too know how to make every1 broke? <3
Looking at the dipswitches for SFA3U, it’s possible to set the dips so that it’s close to the arcade version of SFA3. If you enter SFA3U from the main menu and then enter the dipswitches from the option menu and set it to the 00/11/20ver it will be close to the correct settings. 1-01 through 1-11 should be lit, but the following dips need to be switched to match SFA3:
1-15: Unlit. (Build meter from whiffed throws)
1-16: Unlit. (Crouch cancelling enabled)
2-01: Unlit. (Extended knockdowns from R.Mika and Juni disabled)
And 2-10: Unlit (T.Hawk’s Raging Typhoon range)
Actually, regarding 1-14 and 2-10, I don’t know for sure which settings these should be at since DJ and T.Hawk aren’t in the arcade version. But to be fair to their respective characters I think 1-14 should be Lit and 2-10 should be Unlit.
Also, SFA3 has a lot more dips than SFA3U, so I don’t know how the missing dips affect SFA3U.
Likewise (as previously stated), when playing regular SFA3 in SFAA, in order to get the arcade perfect version of SFA3 you can enter SFA3 from the main menu and select the 98/07/27ver in the dipswitches, but the following dip needs to be switched to match the arcade version:
2-15: Unlit. (Extended knockdowns from R.Mika and Juni disabled)
Minor nitpick, but this should be labeled 2-10 (SFA3U). It doesn’t apply to regular SFA3.
Also, the dips for HSFA mirror the dips for SFA3U except for dips 2-07 through 2-10. The reason is because SFA3U’s 2-07 dip is an arbitrary setting that only affects the SFA3U title screen. However, just like SFA3U you can enter HSFA from the main menu and enter the dipswitches and set it to the 00/11/20ver, then modify the following dips:
1-15: Unlit. (Build meter from whiffed throws)
1-16: Unlit. (Crouch cancelling enabled)
2-01: Unlit. (Extended knockdowns from R.Mika and Juni disabled)
2-09: Unlit (T.Hawk’s Raging Typhoon range)
That was a typo on my part, the document was given to me in a table format. So I basically had to copy and past each setting and write out which game(s) it applied to. But thanks for the info.
The latest arcade version is 980904. Is that one not selectable?
Yeah, it’s not a selectable preset. Though, I’m pretty sure the 98/09/04 version was dated for the release of the Western boards, whereas the earlier version was the Japanese board, but I could be wrong. It’s only the difference between two months so they couldn’t have changed much.
I think in the 980904 version Blanka’s ET doesn’t lock airborn blocking opponents the same way it does in the earlier version, but I’d have to test it to be sure. R.Mika and Juni don’t cause massively long knockdown in 980904, either. Aside from that, I don’t know what the differences are.
In know that in both 980904 and 980727 Rose has unblockable Illusions, Gen has universal Jakouha, Juni has double damage on CSP, dizzy marks stack from OTG’s, Saikyo glitch is in, and Sodom and Cody’s reversal moves retain invulnerability.
Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980904)
Street Fighter Zero 3 (Asia 980904)
They fixed:
That’s all I tested, so there could be more.
That’s fixed in 980727 already.
Hmm, interesting. That M.Bison one sounds like it could affect gameplay.
Did you want to know exactly what stars the 980727 version lights and unlights?
As said, 980904 isn’t a selectable preset but I’m sure it’d be easy to figure out which dips to set to mimic that version.
Now that you’re asking, yes, I’d like to know.
In my opinion, 980904 is the version to play. They fixed things that really should be fixed.
K, I’ll get back to you with that info later tonight. And yeah, I’ve always used 980904 for emulation.
Ok, so here’s the list for 980727ver:
1-01: Unlit (off, dizzy+knockback = no flag)
1-02: Unlit (off, Blanka’s ET knocks back)
1-03: Unlit (off, Balrog’s AC spins opponent)
1-04: Lit (on, Mazi projectiles are same strength)
1-05: Lit (on, can escape from a dizzying throw)
1-06: Lit (on, Rose’s Illusion unblockables work)
1-07: Lit (on, Sodom’s Tengu is invulnerable)
1-08: Lit (on, invulnerable for a combo after air-tech+air block)
1-09: Lit (on, 32 hit glitched scaling is active)
1-10: Lit (on, Saikyo 0dmg = 127dmg)
1-11: Lit (on, Saikyo non-fatal hits = 1dmg)
1-12: Lit (on, Dizzy marks stack)
1-13: Lit (on, Recovery time added to throws during VC?)
1-14: Lit (on, Juni’s CSP double damage active)
1-15: Lit (on, Gen’s Jakouha is universal)
1-16: Unlit (off, 256 dot block range active)
2-01: Unlit (off, R.Mika’s P-airthrow does damage)
2-02: Unlit (off, Rose’s command normals are possible)
2-03: Unlit (off, M.Bison’s JP can’t be airblocked)
2-04: Lit (on, can use Doll’s specials in Dramatic)
2-05: Unlit (off, Cammy’s Hooligan is adjusted)
2-06: Lit (on, Juni’s Hooligan is not adjusted)
2-07: Lit (on, Dan’s taunt super is unblockable)
2-08: Unlit (off, Counter hit animation is active)
2-09: Lit (on, Cody’s Bad Spray is invulnerable)
2-10: Lit (on, E.Honda’s RH knocks airborn opponents down on first hit) <- thanks Middlekick
2-11: Lit (on, Dhalsim’s Yoga Escape is invulnerable) <- thanks Buttermaker.
2-12: Lit (on, Akuma’s airthrow is glitched)
2-13: Unlit (off, crouch cancelling is active)
2-14: Lit (on, E.Honda’s roll is glitched)
2-15: Lit (on, needs to be switched – R.Mika and Juni’s knockdowns)
2-16: Lit (on, Chun’s airthrow has no delay)
3-01: Lit (on, Gen’s airthrow has no delay)
3-02: Lit (on, Char specific invulnerability after air-activations is active)
3-03: Lit (on, Rolento’s Mekong Delta doesn’t whittle guard bar)
3-04: Lit (on, Birdie’s standing Kick(?) can be air blocked)
3-05: Lit (on, Balrog’s lv.8 Turn Punch doesn’t cause guard damage)
3-06: Unlit (off, Violence in art)
3-07: Lit (on, M.Bison’s close FP is medium knockback)
3-08: Lit (on, Birdie’s taunt can be air blocked, lol)
3-09: Lit (on, Cammy’s uppercut portion of Spin Drive Smasher can be air blocked)
3-10: Lit (on, Cammy’s Spiral Arrow/Cannon Drill can’t be air blocked)
3-11: Lit (on, Chun’s Spinning Bird Kick can’t be crouch blocked)
3-12: Lit (on, E.Honda’s lv.2 Oni Musou can be air blocked)
Like I said a billion times, 2-15 should be switched to Unlit. When unlit, R.Mika’s and Juni’s massively long knockdowns is not active (they ARE active when it’s lit).
Looking at it like that, I think it’s just fine as it is (except for 2-15).
Might be this:
I think toggling the switch changes the type of reel (performing a flip and landing on their feet, or being knocked down and landing on their back) the opponent goes into after being by the first hit of Honda’s standing Roundhouse. There might be more to it, though.
I think it’s something to do with invincibility when Dhalsim performs his Yoga Escape. Similar to Cody’s Bad Spray switch (star: 2-09).
BTW, I need to get back to you on your Blanka ET air recovery question. I don’t have any console Zero 3 access currently, and testing with emulators can be cumbersome.
There is no knockback in 980727 though, so this should be on.
This should be on. M.Bison’s standing jab can be airblocked in 980727.
Just an oversight by cent208. It’s in the .doc that was posted on AlphaISM.
2-11 Dhalsim
- If the Yoga Escape is performed while invincible, the character would go into the move invincible.
- Not invincible
- Invincible
Cent208: Can you please upload the original spreadsheet somewhere?
And 1-10.
It’s actually the second hit and it still happens in 980904.
Really? Because in CPS2 980904, 980727 and 980629 it’s the first hit that knocks down. When the star is unlit, there is no knock-down effect, correct?
Yes, you’re right.
I would upload the link to the forum, but I don’t think it allows you to attach word documents. do you know how to do it? if you want PM me your email address and I could email it to you or anybody else who wants it.
So, even though it’s labeled as 980727, it really mimics 980904, except for 2-15.
Cool, works for me.
I wanted the spreadsheet, not the word document.