Yup. As well as screwing over their social growth. Because having social skills/people skills/etc, are INSANELY crucial to one’s success and enjoyment of life. What happens when the kids reach adult age and go out into the world? They won’t know how to function. It’ll be like they were raised by wolves their whole life.
I don’t give a damn how smart the kids are, talented, etc, etc. If their social skills are poop and they have no clue how to successfully function and deal with others, they will Auto-FAIL in whatever they try to pursue.
And i’m just referring to career success. I’m not even going to mention happiness in terms of having friends and dating stuff. That’s an even worse can of worms.
That’s not really a solution, you giant, walking turd.
The better solution is keeping parents out of bars if they insist they be allowed in with their babies or children. You know, like it has been for goddamn decades and should continue to be down the road.
Couldn’t have said it better if i tried. Honestly Razor, you’re not wrong man, there is tons of shit that kids ruin and there is no social checks and balances to call out people. For the record though, in small cities the reasons kids don’t do that is the same reason people do that shit in the city. Its called ACCOUNTABILITY. Since I moved to Toronto aka big city I’m anonymous. People do the dumbest shit and no one calls them out. In a small city, if my kid acts like an idiot, odds are it will come back to the parents and if they don’t provide the appropriate asswhipping it looks bad on the parents who are also accountable.
That’s appalling. The problem is a generation of political correctness and the world is going to shit because of it. Too many people think the world should cater to everything they do. What’s next, a serial murderer/rapist claiming that he should be accepted and shouldn’t be punished because that’s the way God made him and we need to respect that?
Anyway, here’s a small list of places, off the top of my head, that babies need to be banned from:
Airplanes - You just had a kid? Tough shit, you’re not going on vacation. Raise your kid at home, moron.
Restaurants/Bars - Hire a babysitter if you want to go out to eat. If you can’t afford one, then you can’t afford having a baby in the first place and you’re a drain on society, asshole.
Concerts/Sporting Events - No, putting soundproof headphones on your baby is retarded and so are you.
If you clicked on any of the links in my original post, I already touched on this. For sure, if your restaurant/bar wants to be kid friendly I will not go there. But when parents are told their kids can only be there until a certain time or can’t come in at all, they fight back and blame it on everything else besides themselves.
This time right now just has too much “it’s someone else’s fault” for my liking. Shit wasn’t like this growing up and even up to my early 20s. If a bar doesn’t want me to be there because, say, a dress code, I just go somewhere else. Parents just can’t handle being told no, that their little snowflake isn’t in fact allowed in a place. It’s ludicrous in Brooklyn right now.
It’s not fair to attack political correctness for this because it has nothing to do with it. It’s an entitled attitude, separate from any overaccommodating PC attitude you may be thinking of.