All About Zero 3 book

Hi guys,
I just ordered the book “All about Zero 3” because I just like all things a3 and was wondering what to expect, is the info in it still valid today? Also In order to read it I will have to find a way to translate it. Any idea on how to do that?

Find someone japanese. Seriously, how else you gonna translate it lol. Im in the same boat though. I ordered All about zero 2. All I’ll get out of it is frame data rofl.

or learn it, im actually considering that.

You know I actually thought of learning japanese as well, maybe try that Rosetta Stone program, its supposed to be good.

Problem with the rosetta stone program is that it’ll show you the vocabulary and what things are, but the amount of grammer that they give you is minimal.

Well I got the book, and man it has tons of stuff in it. I’ve been using a program to turn the pictures to text then running the text through a jap to english translator. Its super crude but I’m working things out. If anyone here knows japanese and wants to do some translating let me know I ll send some scans…