I feel the same way. Most Ken players I’m going up against are very random and I’ll never get the chance to ever land a Karakusa in the corner. SA1 is definitely easier to set up online.
block an srk then karakusa how hard is that? reversal karakusa on a blocked sa3 that ones a bit more tough although!! i think ken vs makoto is a fairly even ratio but i think in the end makoto has the advantage.
When the hell does a Ken Shoryuken when your in the corner and you can block it? When he screws up a combo? Only time i can think of blocking a shoryuken in a corner is when you parry a move than block in anticipation of them cancelling the move into a shoryuken, but that’s all i can think of.
It’s not that when the oppurtunity arrives that it’s hard to do. It’s that except when you get a lucky parry you won’t often get much of an oppurtunity to use it. SAII I only get to use once maybe twice a match on average where as I use SAI at least 1 or 2 times a round. Though I tend to find it easier to set it up on the larger characters as they can be hit farther from the corner. It also helps that s. MP and s. FP are the easiest to hit confirm moves ever lol. Though on one occassion i hit a s. MP and cancelled into super but i was to far away for the super to hit which i didn’t know was possible before that.
I think the ken matchup is dead even (5-5), but it comes down to being more defensive than normal as eating 1 or 2 EX shoryukens in a game or so in a match can be pretty devastating as it completely changes the momentum of the match each time your hit with one.
Ken, also, has a really strong corner game imo, just cuz of the fact any hit results in serious dmg through double jab shoryuken in the situation.
how can you use sa1 twice in a round and not have already beaten him gaining meter c.c;
Yeah. Doesn’t seem right to ever get two SA1s off in a round. Maybe once in the middle of the round, and another to finish him off? Not really necessary though.
(thinks about sigging that)
Anyway I’ve been trying out using SAIII and have gotten some pretty decent results. Anyone else with discussion cause I havent been here in a while.
you’re dangerous to akuma regardless what super you have or where you are on the screen. 2 karakusa + ex hayates and he’s stunned, granted you guess right twice and have the meter.
it’s good for certain situations, i only really use it when i’m not playing seriously though. it’s flexible, the thing i like about it most is when you activate, you have some time to see what’s gonna happen and react accordingly.
edit: on a side note, once after a mk tsurugi i was close enough to hit with s.fp xx hayate… i wonder if that combo’d or he just wasn’t blocking? i can’t remember the character either.
activate sa3 and akuma will become more relentless in my opinion at least if he knows you can’t block c.c; it’d be pretty sick if you got the first hit or two but otherwise it’s really hard to want to make that decision c.c;
That combos. I was doing it in training mode one day. You can connect with a few things after a MK Tsurugi. c.MP works, probably most of her other normals as well.
haha if you do foward tsurugi fierce sa2 to ryu you can do it at almost 3/4 screen and still make it work!
i noticed also for dudley if you do a meaty fierce but for somereason he’s crouching you can do super from nearly 3/4’s the screen also >.>
dudley is fat
all that curry and gardening won’t keep him in shape!
Er… I meant twice in one 2 out of 3 set (Best of 3 games = round to me). I call that a round and 2 out of 3 rounds a match, but i guess you all refer to it as something else? I just assume tourney whenever i talk i guess.
It’d be cool to use SAI twice in 1 game though :lovin:.
And ya…Dudley’s a giant black british punching bag.
round 1 round 2 final round those are rounds to me a match is best of 3 rounds >.> to me at least just to clarify
I’ve heard it go both ways so i should clarified it sorry for the misunderstanding.
no worries
Hey guys, just wanted to share a video of IZU beasting around(double OCV)…
Its just amazing how he got to land those UME Fukiages :looney:
I wouldn’t call them ume as much as I would call them random. Makoto missed quite a few of those.
man this video is old =(
hows it goin in here guys?