Alex's Arcade SF4 Singles Tournament 12/19/09 Results

Here are the results for the 12/19/09 Tournament with 22 players.

  1. Duy (Balrog)
  2. Oscar (Rufus)
  3. Jorge (Ryu)
  4. Sonny
  5. Richard
  6. Art
  7. Phil
  8. Hiro
  9. Jason
  10. Richard 2
  11. Juan
  12. Sam
  13. Joaquim
  14. Omar
  15. Gato
  16. Matt
  17. Alex
  18. Miguel
  19. Andrew
  20. Kevbot
  21. Kevin
  22. Vu

Thank you everyone for coming out. Didn’t get a full house this time around but it was fun nonetheless. Next tournament I’m running might be a 3v3 Team Tournament. Date is to be announced, but it will probably happen during January.

GGs to everyone I played against.

aww yeahhh

dude, that Vu guy sucks!

i cant believe i scrubbed out…

i need A LOt of work…

Good shit Duy.

How many times did you press forward besides when inputting a dash punch?

congrats duy
i overslept and missed the tourney
i want back my camerons title!
ur ass is mine!

drank ridiculous amounts of alcohol friday and woke up at 3:30 pm in mission viejo, next time…


Maybe like 5 or so times per match.

Congrats Duy! I had to work yesterday so I couldn’t make it. :\

Aww man, wish I could’ve came to this tourney. :frowning: Next time!

good shit dustin lol

You’re the real winner here.

Congrats for winning your own tournament and your devious plan to put it on saturday
just to avoid playing me =D

ST tournament next time?

congrats duy…

Is there any video of the fights.

merry x-mas to all…

As I look back at 2009, winning 2nd place at this tournamen was the best thing that happened to me this year =(