Akuma vs.....

Try not to jump in on Makoto unless she’s knocked down. You need to constantly play guessing games in certain situations just to throw off their momentum e.g. they might start getting used to the way you dragon her jump ins - mix it up with air hurricanes or sweeps. Try and avoid tick karakusa or any karakusa setups with demon flips or mk/hk hurricanes. She can fukiage you out of flips and air hurricanes if she spots them early enough so don’t be predictable.

Why not teleport out of corner?

sa1/sa3 in reaction… or snake fang (in the corner again) if necro player not is near
you can teleport if necro player are near and he not have meter …if not (necro not is near or if he have meter) teleport out is a big mistake
akuma vs necro match ups is in akuma favor (7-3) because akuma can rush/keep away necro well akuma is better necro in air …necro can’t so jump if akuma have meter and tasumaki is a big trouble for necro …demon flip work well…and air fire ball are safe from a good distance
only thing akuma need for win is play carefully.

Thanks a bunch guys. I did notice that demon flips were rather effective.

Do you mean the necro player supers while the teleport is starting or when akuma comes out of the teleport? I generally try to time my teleports to escape crossup drill things (dont know what they are called). Also, can necro punish whiffed tatsumakis?

while the teleport is starting for the sa, and while recovering for the snake fang i think. and yes, he can punish.

and sa1 hit teleport in recovery…

pd…edit sorry for this mistake

in the middle? i have to see this to believe it.

i make a mistake sa1 not hit gouki in middle …sorry for this mistake…
i repeat forever …:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
never in your life teleport out of corner if necro have a meter …if you try this he hit you in recovery of teleport.
you can teleport if necro player are very near of you and if he not have meter
maybe a lot of necro players are very scrubs and not hit you whit this.
excuse my english

Well, I’m gonna say still teleport out of the corner, because as long as youre in the corner necro is dangerous, but anywhere else akuma is definitely in control. Unless I really can’t afford the damage, I’d teleport.

mmh… most characters’ SAs can do it, not to mention that if they expect it they can just follow you up and punish as soon as Gouki recovers from teleport. this doesn’t make teleport useless when they have meter imho, they aren’t always ready to punish it simply because Gouki has a lot of other options to deal with others’ corner pressure, including teleporting backward.

What are you strats against yang? I play a yang often and I win about 90% of the time, just I’m always spamming c.mk> hk. hurricane, because I can’t ever land a lk huricane > fp. dp, he’s always crouching =/.

Mostly through a lot of f. mp’s and demon flips, it’s like impossible to combo him. Any little tricks or usefull tips against yang or small characters in general?.


Some characters can also be hit by mk. hurricane > fp dp. So if they’re ducking, try to remember which characters can be hit by a dragon punch after a mk hurricane. Remember that the brothers take a lot of damage too so getting one good combo in will put it towards your favor. Yang plays a lot of mix-ups and so does Akuma so just try to outdo him I guess lol.

Yang is not one of them. The twins can be juggled with a mp shoryu after a mk tatsu though. The timing is a bit hard, but its a good tool. You’ll find, as you play more and more, that your opportunities to connect the bnb (low mk, lk tatsu, hp shoryu) will diminish. low mk > rh tatsu is still a pretty good combo. Really, the only time to connect the bnb is in punish situations. If you are going for it when Yang is just chilling, you are likely to eat some painful mantis slashes.

Lastly, if you are winning 90% of the time against a Yang, I would be pretty happy! That is definitely akuma’s worst matchup. Just continue to minimize even the smallest opportunties for yang because those jabs are super quick, and can buffer in mantis slashes.

Mak vs Akuma

in summary

Akuma needs to force Mak to go on the offensive when their isn’t an oppenning
(esp. if the mak is using saII)

So you need to zone and keep your distance well

btw jump away air hado against a grounded mak is extremely dangerous if you jumped from near mak

if you have mak cornered don’t do a tatsu that doesn’t combo as it will whiff the last couple of hits on a crouching mak and give her a free karakusa

Mak’s regular tsurugi’s (axe kicks) have alot of recovery on whiff so if you bait a whiff be sure to punish

ehhh i touch more of the subject later
with sa 1 stocked you primary anti-air should probably be walkup jab shoryuxxsa1

(walkup to make sure you get underneeth them to provent the slight possibility your jab shoryu will trade with their jumpin)

with out meter fp shoryu is ok but if they empty jump and parry it your in for a world of hurt

If the mak lets you get away with demon flips use em, especially the throw due to how greedy the mak may get with looking for the parry karakusa

(but honestly mak can reg fukiage/cr rh kara’ed/ex fukiage you out of most demon flips for atleast a trade on reaction if the flip wasn’t quite meaty

i think ken is a way worse matchup than yang.

if ken plays safe and doesnt do stupid things like guess parry, akuma has a hard time beating him.

:looney: :looney: Yup, the yang I play is ALWAYS crouching on his wakeup, so i either demon flip grab, walk up and grab(50/50), demon flip dive kick, f>mp, or cr mk tatsu.

ONCE in a blue moon I will bnb:lol: , half the time I get lucky and he’s standing and eats it or I get punished with his 3 hit combo into super.

IMO good thing about mantis slashes is that if you parry the first one you can bnb or super:badboy: :badboy:

On another note: Is there anything that can follow up on cr mk > lk hurricane > rh hurricane? No right? I tried super and it doesn’t connect, dp is out of range.


1 more thing, I don’t really know if this relates to frame data or not, but if I parry yangs cr. mk, are my only options too either do a cr.mk or s. or cr. hp? I can’t bnb because he’s not standing correct?

Hell no. You play gouki against a good ken, you have to work hard to win; you play gouki against a good yang, you flat out lose ; yang just owns gouki. Slashes > Gouki.

hm i can agree with that, yangs pokes are so annyoing.

I wish they set akuma to not take so much damage, make his damage intake like kens, having no EX already sucks.