Sorry dont have any, but I would like to know If anyone knows where I can find some. Cvs2 akuma matches are scarce, but I know Ive seen a few good ones in the past. I just cant seem to find them anymore. Can someone direct me or host them. Thanks
Check out some of my CvS2 vids I have up:
There is a crappy vid of me using K-Akuma (unknown vs Pimp Willy)
One with Combofiend beasting with A-Akuma (Combofiend vs Geese Howard (FFA Match) )
Pay no attention to my old scrubby tactics though, I make a lot of retarded mistakes : P
Edit: Just realized the combofiend one was his A-Yun, I don’t think I have his A-Akuma match I have one tape encoded or uploaded, sorry : (
Thanks for the vids. Looks like combofiend has akuma on his team but it doesnt look like hes realy taking any matches with him, but his A yun is impressive. I’d like seeing good a akumas.
You have a descent akuma, it just looks like you were missing alot of stuff. I’d like to see jiji vids, or at least i think thats his name. I remember him wrecking with akuma on a few vids. I might be wrong. Thanks for replying.
that was some scrubby akuma playing
Those akuma vids are really old, I got much better with him. Recently, however, I ditched Akuma and traded in for Morrigan, and haven’t looked back.
The best Ohnuki CvS2 vid is the one where his Akuma gets raped, then he stomps the fuck outta Sakura in 10 seconds with Chun