Akuma Tool Assisted Superplay


Once more, inspired by DevilAzite and KYSG, as well as DCyclops’s methods of stopping the Resurrection.

This has basically nothing to do with the first Akuma TAS I made, which was for fun. This one I made to milk out as many possible combos with the dude; as such, I took some combos from KYSG where possible (used two of them on Ryu, where he used SA1 I used SA3, and they worked wonderfully).

Additionally, you may notice on certain characters, such as Dudley and Ryu I followed up mk tatsu with hp srk. This is impossible by itself, but on Dudley, you can kara hp srk with c.hk, and on Ryu with kara f.mp. I’m guessing that last one is next to impossible for human input, but the sequence is f, d, f.mp (hold mp), d/f + hp.

I will look into this more and check fo every character if kara hp srk works after mk tatsu; I know so far that on Hugo and Gill, it never works.


I love Akuma’s story ending

I don’t always destroy a submarine with my bare hands, but when I do I scream “MUUUNNnnnNnNN!”

Great vid

the hk~shoryu isnt really possible either since it does a demon flip

You can negative edge it.
:f::d: + :mk:(hold):df:(release)
Not really practical though.

edit: nvm, i said crap, totally misread topic…

Great Video.

Love the way Gill got DENIED in first round. I burst out laughing.

Cool, I was wondering if you can do a TA or speedrun of the game without trying to look flashy, but just beat it as fast as possible.