There is around 3 years between 4 and 3, plenty of time to grow and cut your hair. Having said that they are probably retconning Akuma’s story again as he is physically changing and it’s not just the hair.
The new Akuma is the most bad ass he’s ever looked IMO.
aww man i can’t wait till the 20th. I want to get in the lab.
Really hope he can do all the combos in the trailer. I want to do the ex df air ex fireball one.
Also, is it possible to do lk tatsu super? Can’t imagine it wouldn’t be.
i hope it is like urien were tons and tons of stupid cool and optimized combos and tech gets discovered, i might stop looking at akuma videos because the wait is gonna kill me
The bun is like Bison’s hat or Ryu’s red headband. It’s too much of a design trait to totally be rid off, so it was wise to keep it. Also Lion Akuma isn’t a totally new thing and giving Akuma lion-like/demonic facial traits has been in the cards of Capcom for many years. It’s just this time they finally applied it more liberally to his default appearance in a numbered entry.
i know the bun is THE bun for akuma, but putting it in front of the hair while a lot of hair is going out the back was a bad choice; if it were completely a lions mane that would look much better to give him the animal/demon look but to have the bun just to have it is a bad choice imo
Akuma could be at the breaking point. Maybe Oni is cannon and he is slowly becoming more demon like. But then eventually, he regains his humanity and we get SFIII Akuma with those sick gray temple hairs.
Same thing with Ryu. Evil Ryu was stronger than Ryu. It was a cheap power boost for him. But then Ryu casts the Satsui no Hado away and trains hard. Eventually, he becomes as strong as he was when he used the Satsui no Hado.
Or maybe Oni was cannon and now Akuma came to his senses. Slowly gaining his humanity back. You know, 'cuz Oni’s Raging Demon kanji means something like “demon god,” while Akuma’s kanji now (also Shin Akuma’s in CvS2/CFE) means “godlike person.” So he kind of awakened himself after hitting rock bottom.