Akuma FAQs: Quick questions & answers!

I haven’t checked it myself but I thought that d+mk will always safejump canon spikes if done immediately after a sweep, can’t remember who mentioned it here not too long ago.

Yep, this is exactly what I did. I think this might be worth confirming in training mode though I’m currently at work :smiley:

Watching that German Youtube clip for safe-jumps I noticed this is a similar setup for safe jumping Ryu. Sweep him, then immediately jump and perform the d+mk.

I’m drafting a long-winded reply to this to go through a lot of the safe setups and mixups he can do fromt eh various knockdown in his game. Unfortunately, I’m now too tired to finish it so I’m going to sleep. Will be posted another day.

Immediate forward jump, d+MK dive kick after a sweep knockdown was in the list I was writing up tonight. Had it in my bag of tricks since before Super came out. It’s a frame-perfect safe jump that can hit them and is safe from 4 frame DPs and up. I’ll write a bit more about it later on.

You cannot safe jump Ryu with it since he has a 3 frame SRK that will hit you when you land. You would have to find an alternate timing or positioning in order to stuff it.

sweep, followed by immediate command dive kick is easily one of the best safe jump setups for akuma. It safe jumps all 4+ frame reversals. On four frame reversals you have to hit the dive kick as early as possible otherwise you will not land in time.

Only hiccups come from Blanka Sagat and Cammys wakeup. If you do it too soon their extra frame of wakeup will make the kick whiff. Still havent found a viable way to hit it on Blanka since he has those 2 extra wakeup frames.

I am looking to add some Akuma players to my FL on XBL if you please. I play an average Bison and below average Sim. If possible people with mics that dont mind talking about the match up in detail. My XBL: “Daman1009” Thanks in advance.

Can’t sweep Blanka after lk. tatsu anyway, right?

right 10 characters

Just a tip to anyone having problems with the tatsu > sweep knockdown:

Right after the tatsu, hit FK + LK together and you’ll always land the sweep. I’m landing it now 100% of the time, has completely changed my vortex game.

EDIT: Can I get some general tips on getting in? I haven’t been too effective with Akuma’s fireball game, I feel it is too risky to use sometimes. I’ve watched JR vids and have noticed that he relies on Palms after a blocked fireball to get his knockdowns, was wondering if you guys had some other suggestions?

Also, I need a bit of a favor. Would anyone be willing to be invited to my replay room, save certain replays I need, and then send them to me so I can upload them to my Youtube??? Please let me know, your reward is a place on my friends list forever :stuck_out_tongue: I’m asking because I’d like to upload vids of my new Akuma play, I think I’ve improved alot since the last time I posted vids.

About the tatsu, sweep. Its really all in your mind :stuck_out_tongue: the best way to maximize your chances to land the sweep is by plinking it (i use c.rh with c.mk plink).

Have yet another question, hoping someone can answer my previous one right above. My 2nd question: why can I not link his Demon Armageddon from a st. FP? I’ve seen videos of JR doing it, is it not a viable link? I was trying it for a while and it wasn’t coming out, doesn’t seem like something so technically complicated.

You don’t link DA from a close standing FP. You cancel the fierce into teleport, and immediately cancel teleport into U2. Its kind of hard and in my eyes not worth it, as you can just do a BnB after the FP. If your opponent is crouching U2 will whiff, and you’d need to hitconfirm with a few jabs and it would kill the damage anyway.

Ok whenever I do akumas low forward and try to cancel it into Gohado, many times a shoryuken will come out and ill get punished for it. Is their a safer input to prevent this from happening?

^ you must be hitting -> before you do the gohado, let your stick return to neutral first

About air fireballs: I know you if you do it after an U1, if you do an instant lp air fireball it crosses up. But is there a way to make it not crossup, so it becomes a 50/50? I searched and found that after a demonflip throw, you also have a setup by dashing, jumping and do the air fireball (not sure if it’s supposed to be instant air or just as fast as possible). But for this setup too, is there a way to decide whether it crosses up or not? Are there also any more standard setups as these?

As Sizar said in his reply, I would question if it is worth bothering with.

Regardless, for the sake of pulling it off: it’s done via a stand fierce cancelled into teleport, cancelled into U2 and done quick enough to be linked. You have to do U2 from the teleport as fast as possible, so that you don’t even see any part of the teleport animation. To do this you’ve got to do the teleport command immediately into the u,u+KKK all as one motion or command so that there is no break in your input where time is wasted. With this approach, it should not take a long amount of time practicsing to get used to doing.

If you still want to, I can do it: I have an HD PVR setup on my PC that connects to my 2nd Xbox 360. I can record the matches piece-meal or I can compile them together (into 15 minute sets) with Studio HD then send them to you via whatever method you prefer (FTP, AIM, MSN, etc).

Let me know.

That’s not as bad as doing QCB + HP and getting an HP SRK instead of an HP Shaku. I lost a close match last night against a 10K BP Sagat because of that. He had no Ultra, no Super meter and less than 5% health left. He was knocked down so I tried to go for the chip damage kill using a 3 hit shaku. Instead I got an SRK and was left hanging in the air with less than 10% health myself… sigh

Which os is best to use against chuns on wakeup? I’ve been getting decent with palm sweep but it seems to lose to exspk unless im just not timing it right. So I’ve just been trying to safe jump when she has meter (mixed results), thanks in advance.

Also can akuma not land anything off a lp srk jump in? I’ve been playing a lot of ryu and become institutionalized to abuse that. It feels like such a waste when I land a clean anti air srk and just stand there.

[media=youtube]9Xf1yHejfIE[/media] for the option select sweep.

As for the lp srk question, im wondering this too actually. Maybe try getting positioning for a setup or something?

Is that a regular dive kick or demon flip?