Akuma FAQs: Quick questions & answers!

I only posted it for the sake of discussion, man. You’re talking to a person who used Cammy exclusively in HDR up until this year (she’s the worst in the game).

thanx for the response… im gonna have to make more of an effort to break out of my habit…

What’s usually the best thing to do after a demon flip palm gets blocked?

You generally would want to go into a block string at that point and from there go into whatever mix-up you fancy. If your opponent isn’t wise to your tactics yet, you can always try: DF Palm (blocked), cr. LP x2, LK DF Throw, dash x 2, cross-up tatsu, sweep.

considering people say he is getting srk fadc u2 in the next version, he might go up a bit.

I guess I’ll ex dp hem should i encounter another one.

the sticky thread is for vanilla also im new and dont know what can be cancelled link and all that other stuff, just asking what is akumas go to fadc combo. just learned the bnb and trying to progress my arsenal further.

As for FADC, close st.fp>hado>close st.fp>lk.tatsu into fp.shoryuken or sweep.

I feel like a HUGE retard for asking this:

Let’s say I’m facing Guile and I throw him for the UT. Now, what kind of spacing do I employ in order to do the divekick above his head to stuff his wake-up?? This is just an example but I’m looking for a general idea. My lack of knowing how to do this is killing my vortex. I realize that the spacing can always change so an approximation would be great :slight_smile: Thanks!

I hear ya… I thought I knew the spacing as well, but it seems I can’t get it down pat for some reason. Using the “Exploding Heart Technique”, I thought it was just forward throw, dash x 2, cancel into MK DF Dive kick and it would stuff his shit all day. However, I’ve come to learn that it only works if you do the Dive Kick at the apex of the Demon Flip. At best it stuffs his FK completely. At worse it trades. I haven’t found a way to deny him an EX FK though…

When I’m dealing with an AA flash kick happy Guile player, I usualy refrain from doing too many dive kicks, just to be safe. At that point it’s much better to try and cross-them up instead.

I usually just throw him and walk forward a step, then do a HK DF kick. I do the same thing to stuff wakeup shoryukens also.

Sometimes I’ll forward throw, HP Air Hado, then HK DF Kick. Stuffs all FKs except Ex.

Basically against FK happy Guiles just like it was said, do the kick earlier than usual to have a better chance. He may get stuffed and reset, but resets aren’t too bad. Good mix up potential.

Dunno if this should go in the matchup or stay in this thread, but is there a way to reliably DF kick blanka out of his electricity attack?

Using meaty roundhouse jump in has worked well for me vs wakeup electricity happy Blankas (gives more stun too), it’s the ex upball that’s hell to deal with.

One of the things I see lacking in my Akuma is fishing for counterhit cr.mp to get a combo off of.

The favourite way to do this seems to be off of a blocked s.HK, but I never have any success with it. It’s always just blocked or countered itself.

How should I best fish for counter hits, what are good setups and while we’re at it, how do you make sure you can reliably combo off of the counter hit?

f.HK leaves them at 0 advantage. So the 4 frame c.mp won’t counterhit anything pretty much. c.mp, c.mp is generally the best way to fish for counter hits. IIRC it leaves them at -2, so any normal will get stuffed.

cr.MP is kinda crappy, in the sense that it’s difficult to use in the way Ryu would (ie. sticking it out all day and stuffing shit). Frame traps are the best way to use it IMO. Prime example is for stuffing throw techs, the way Tokido does with a short walk-up cr.mp. cr.MP into itself as a frame trap as mason pointed out. Also; it frame traps quite well when you empty flip palm over to their cross-up side after a knockdown and it’ll usually hit them outta their jabs or techs.

c.mp crappy? What did I just read? c. mp is one of akumas best normals. 1 frame on recovery and active to me (imo) is negligible.

I think he meant that it’s not as easy to chain 2 cr.MP together into bullshit like you can with Ryu. Still, I’d hardly call it “crappy”. How about his cr. HP? I think it’s the BEST AA normal in the entire game! It snuffs out almost any other move in the game (except for command dives with which it tends to trade even if you do it on time), it relatively safe and it snuffs out cross-ups too.

I love it!!

Really? I usually end up with a trade when i try to anti air with cr.HP. Does this mean I’m doing it too early/late or is my spacing off?