Akuma combo tutorial/reset video!

Hey guys this is my second tutorial and it features a combo that not many use. Plus it deals a much better option off a air throw than the usual bread and butter. Hope you guys like it :]


Good stuff! But you got the Demon Flip input wrong, it’s not QCB it’s SRK backwards. But impressive video nonetheless. :slight_smile:

Uh… actual Akuma players (aka, those not using him for an assist) have been doing jump loop combos for months. Except most of us do 3 loops instead of 2.

Also, check the video thread (where this belongs) and look at the video posted about 4 months ago here: "Feel the power of my fist!" - Akuma Video Thread

About :56 into the first video. Better combo to go for after throws if you can get near the corner (might work outside of the corner as well… havn’t tested doing it that way myself).

With that said, on some characters (most of the ones I tested on actually), you could actually go for a forward throw after that jump loop combo, OTG, and you’d simply end up crossing up on the OTG (ending up behind them in the corner), BUT if you do j.MH…L Tatsu into launcher after that you’ll cross up again and have them back in the corner, at which point you can do the combo at :56. I probably made that confusing, but once you get the timing, it’s not.

Even if you don’t do the combo in the video, just a basic air corner fireball super into jump back beam super combo will get you another 700k+ off of a throw.

Or the one from **Vanilla **

The last page of the combo thread here: http://forums.shoryuken.com/t/mvc3-akuma-combo-thread/121583page-4 is also pretty much all about combos involving jump loops.

You win in the production value category though lol.


Put an edit note on the description video clarifying that I messed up, and put DPB instead of QCB. Thanks for noticing. Guess I was rushing this video and didn’t notice that mistake. Thanks though!

Yeah I figured people already knew about this or had an even better combo. Just wanted to add more videos to my channel and give something to the FGC. At least you guys like the editing. Thanks!

LOL @ the extra fireball being shot before beam super and it not even hitting xD
Still good shit…But I swear Ive seen these combos somewhere O.O

I can’t seem to get the timing down in the loop. Any execution/timing tips?

“Rhythm” is a much better term for what you need to do the loop. The “timing” pretty much involves doing everything as quickly as possible, with the exception of the Tatsu in the pre-launch string which you can use to control height and landing time if necessary/possible.

There’s not really any tips for it that I can think of… you’ve just kind of got to get a feel for it. Not to say that there aren’t any, but I’ve been doing it for so long I might have just forgotten. I don’t think it had even been posted yet when I learned it for that matter.

The only semi-tip I can offer would be not to bother trying to do it online. Not to say that you can’t, but it’s probably going to drop pretty often. If you are going to bother, make sure you end it after 2 loops instead of 3 (like the video basically) or you’re just asking for problems.

Thanks Tragedy.

The problem I’m having is trying to get to the second loop and they tech out. After the j.M, j.H, air fireball, they just tech out.

Hrm… if you’re having problems at just the 2nd loop just sounds like you havn’t quite got the rhythm for it down yet. Make sure you’re cranking out that j. M literally immediately after jumping though, as that’s probably the most important hit to connect in the whole thing.

Also, I’m assuming you meant that you’re doing j. MHS xx Fireball right? If not, your problem is that there’s no S lol.