Akron Ohio Fight Night

Hey i’m just a fighting game fan who plays SSF4AE, SFxT, and UMVC3 with a small group of friends on the weekends looking to expand our numbers and improve our skill. The goal of this thread is to hopefully build a strong community in the Akron area and eventually create tournament scene to encourage better and better play. If you are interested please reply to this thread or message me.

I am interested to hear what you have in my mind, I live near Akron. Any details currently?

as of right now we are just trying to gauge interest, but we are really looking to create a group of people who love playing as much as we do and see where it goes from there. I will let you know any further details in the futrure

We’re going to be starting up Canton Fight Club again soon. You’re welcome to bring yourself and buddies down to our meets while you’re setting up in Akron! Let me know!

that sounds great! please let me know when you start I know my friends and I are very interested and hopefully we get a big spark of interest here so maybe we could possibly do alternating days or weeks (just throwing ideas around)

Next wednesday at The Auricle in Canton. Bring set ups, power strips and your game face! I do ask that we at least keep this a 18+ event, but everything else is fair game. I’ll have to get back to you on when the doors open, but we’ll be able to stay till 2:30 am. If you have a facebook, you should join our group as well. (we’re a little more active on there than our own thread here.) And I’m good with alternating days, though you’re starting to get a little limited since we try to plan around Console Combat as well. @.@ Their night is Monday or Tuesday, and one sunday a month.

This is our facebook group for Akron[http://www.facebook.com/ultracombo.co

OSR and I will post info as we get a legit set up](‘http://www.facebook.com/ultracombo.co’)

Well this thread hasn’t got much attention haha, we will be starting games back up Friday Oct.5 for anyone interested in playing a wide variety of titles.

I live in akron and love fighting games. Are you guys still meeting on the weekends??

@iiHoLy: OSR_Redstripe, the OP, plays with everybody in Canton and much to my chagrin they all ignore our thread here and all post on the facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/cantonfightcluboh/ . If you don’t have fb lemme know and I’ll summon one of the guys who goes more consistently than I do, I think Red is at home for the summer currently.

Its incredibly frustrating how low the fighting population is around here.

I am opening a Game/vape lounge in akron,OH it will be strictly fighting games only,anyone interested please reply to the thread and I’ll give you a membership discount your first three months, it will be located next to my vape shop on Carnegie ave. here is the address to
my vape shop.
Flavor Vape
666 Carnegie ave, suite E 44314
You can also stop by and ask for Ryan and I’ll give you more details on the lounge.

Hey all, we’re also having a tournament in Columbus on December 20th at our Donatos Pizza location. I know it’s a bit of a hike for you all, but the hype is real.
