Akishop PS360+ & the PlayStation 2

Anyone tried connect two buttons to one input before on this board? Does it work? I tried to connect two buttons to cthulhu as two Up command button (I use it as Hitbox), it works perfectly; but the same thing transferred to Akishop PS360 it does not work but only one does but the other one received no response.

p/s: sorry, my mistake for faulty wiring detected later. Connecting two buttons to single input is not a problem. However, connecting one button to multiple input is not possible, this I can confirm that. Example: trying to connect a button to both UP & LEFT to have a diagonal direction is not possible

@calvinfoo‌ read this thread and that should give you your answer

Hi, I need some help.
I got a Ps2 Slim, and a stick with Ps360+, which I updated yesterday, to the 1.66v.
It works fine, even in ps4 with the 8’ timeout.

But, in Playstation 2 I tried even the “forced x”, two differents cables…and nothing.
(The game that I want to play, is Hokuto No Ken, of Arc System)

Thanks if will be some info for there

Tienes la posibilidad de probar un cable un poquito más corto? Las ps360+ son bien jodidas con el tema de la resistencia de los cables (resistencia óhmica)

If you don’t want to replug your stick every time you start you ps2 you can just force psx mode and it works.

Just hold K1(should be A/X) Button on your fightstick while turning your ps2 on and it will detect psx mode.

Tested with software v1.65 and a Ps2 Slim.