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As fast as possible. Alot of new things was ordered this time (not showing on the statuspage). I ordered 3 HRAP2`s (already sold) + all kinds of mountingplates and stuff and trying to get productnumber for these and put them up the webpage also.
But yes, we do our best. I will post once updated with pics sir.

Look forward to seeing your custom HRAP mod ^_^. Will you be removing the turbo switches?

yeah definately. Have to wait a month tho due to financial reasons tho -_-;

I have updated statuspage with some pics:

There where a few problems…
In some pics the G-40M-100 and Hozan P-706 is not present, will take new pics for this.

Seimitsu sent 2xWhite/Black PS14G because there is no White PS14G, is this ok?

Also, I got these:

Mountingplates. Will upload it to the shop soon…

LS-40 with blue levercover.

Alot of balls!

Ahh, those white buttons are going to go so nice in my HRAP2, can’t wait to get them.

So, what’s actually happened with the green mesh balls? Have they stopped producing them?

I might get one of those pink mesh balls off you aswell if we have time to sort a payment before delivery.

Do you have any other rare little nit bits lying around?

Thanks. :bgrin:

My order looks great. Please send as soon as possable.

thank Per you are doing great. Just like normal.

Demon Dash
I have stuff laying around but nothing interesting. Greenmshballs are sold out everywhere, sorry. If you still want the hacked PCB (you where the one who wanted it yes?) then I can send a meshball with it and you pay for it then, easier for me like this.

I always send as fast as possible. I know it looks like it is going slow but I am trying my best.
I know you want your stuff, I would to :D.

Ahh, actually yes that would be awsome Per, I forgot about that. Well, whenever you’re ready to start work on it just pm me and let me know then I’ll organise a payment.

Per, sorry again. This is my mistake AGAIN! I’ve e-mailed you back saying that it is fine. Accept my apology for making your life more difficult! Also, you are doing a GREAT job and we all appreciate it. We know you do your best to get orders in fast and ship them out fast. 2 weeks is NOT a long time to have to wait for fresh parts at great prices. Thanks as always!

EDIT: The picture you sent me looks great. I can’t really see all of the OBSF-24 buttons, but I assume they are all there! So it’s good to go!


Phew, I was kinda worried when I saw everybody else having pics up in their orders but not mine. :sweat:

yay im excited now!!!

ok so when i get those buttons i just hook up the little wires right? those quick switch wires?

Demon Dash
OK, we talk later then.

It is ok, no worries. I emailed again and asked if the OBSF-24 is all there, just in case :). Also, I put your picture on the statuspage.

You are Mr.Lacson yes?
I will get all stuff for you, don`t worrie :).

Just take off the old ones and hook these newones up using the quick disconnects, yes.

Woo, so when will you have pics of the Hozan? :smiley:

What does “next orderstop” mean? I’m “Mr. Yatch”, by the way.

Today or tomorrow, I try my best to get it as quick as possible.

Hello sir, “Next orderstop” meanes that on April 30 I will send your order to Sanwa /Seimitsu. After that I get the parts and take photos and organise so everything is correct. Then it is shipped to you (direct from Japan).

That’s what I thought. How long does it usually take for the parts to get to you?

hey i ordered a jlf-8yt, and am getting ready to put in a box, the only problem is i need to turn the mounting plate vertically, is it possible to rotate it. i know the screws underneath the dustcovers, but i cant find an exact fit w/o stripping them. so in short what size screwdriver do i need.

From the day the order goes away, about 2-4 days before the parts arrive to me.

The plate sits on there really tight. What you could do is to try and remove the loctite (gelly substans) from the nuts that sits on the screw, then try to remove it. Try finding a good screwdriver also so you don`t mess up the screws (to much ^_^).

I have updated the productpage and added some things:

Cool! I might order a mounting plate. Does the Sanwa JLF-P-1S plate comes with screws?