Akatsuki BLITZKAMPF - PC Thread (1131sp1) - Its still playable!

The game site has links to 4 doujin shops where you can (probably) order it.

i think a majority of people here bought it off nothingxs



So, there you go guys: The latest patch is out.

what’s in the patch?? Nun fix??

The first things that i saw:

  • Adler now got new frames in his walk and victory pose, but this is not news if you saw the latest Ko-Hatsu videos.

  • Murakumo stage was re-designed.

  • I cant feel too much balance fix at now… but i will still playing it, i mean, the patch is big (almost 40 megs) and there is even a new BGM file, but i dont hear anything new for now (not even in Sound Test)

EDIT: There are a lot of changes in SS Matching Web, as we saw some time ago in the Subtle website, but still i dont test it… there is some type of macross in the “F” buttons now.

Thanks for the heads up on the patch I’m patching as I type.

Ah, also Adler got storyline and ending in Arcade mode, but this was also commented by Subtle Style.

To be honest, i didnt find anything who i can feel that i t was fixed in the gameplay… at least for now, its all the same to me.

EDIT: First shit that i noticed, Fritz 4B damage was toned down to 150 points and standing C to 200.

I highly doubt the nun is ever going to “fixed” So looking forward to it is pretty silly =\

Does anyone know what all the options do in the second tab in the config file?

I’m not really concerned with the other tabs, I’d just like a translation for the second tab.


A quick translation of the character tweak portion of the changelog for the new patch. It should be accurate enough. I didn’t bother with the other stuff yet because I figured that most people that play this will only care about the character changes.

Adler users will be pretty happy.
Some of the changes are uh, I dunno. Take a look for yourself.

I cant believe that they toned down some moves and added more delay to Sai and, specially, Anonym, i guess now she is officialy useless.

whew good thing they toned her down. She was just so awesome to begin with:looney:


I can understand complaining about Sai, but Anonym seems to have gotten slightly better going from the pure data. The pushback alone would be an improvement, especially since they gave reflectors, which rape all projectiles in the game, more recovery the new patch.

I’m surprised that all the changes to Mary Sue were nerfs, especially since they still probably weren’t enough; they just need to get rid of the ridiculous autoguard on her 214 special move.

Whether these changes are for the better or the worse as a whole remain to be seen, especially since I haven’t been able to play the full game still. They seem like they’re for the better, but that doesn’t mean it will bring tiers closer in the end.

No specific changes to Akatsuki? Odd.

I guess no one knows? :expressionless:


Even if you choose not to enter (whether youre against tourneys, just got into the game, or you live too damn far away to participate) you should still drop by #akatsuki @ irc.mizuumi.net to catch some of that second-hand hype. :nunchuck:

This wknd #akatsuki will attempt to play out several rounds of matches before commencing in the following wknd. So far we have a solid number of players so who knows, maybe we’ll finish this wknd.

Be sure to pick up DAT UPGRADE!

Heil, bitchez :pray:


-delay between bullet shots increased;

Jesus fucking fucking fucking FUCK FUCK

:annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:
:annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:
:annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:
:annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:
:annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:
:annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:
:annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:
:annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:
:annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:

I fully believe that the people who make fighting games have no fucking idea how to make them better, at all. Son of a bitch. Obviously sending letters to this guy didn’t do shit. Let’s give her pushback on bullets but increase the delay between shots now!




If you mean the “display” tab, then it’s:
-show FPS
-low quality character selection screen
-low quality backgrounds
-turn title screen demo loop off
–run fullscreen
–run windowed
-frame skip
-vertical synchronization