"Ain't my style!" Paul General Discussion Thread

Don’t understand why his overheads are not safes, and are so slow… same for his df.HK… why Capcom why ?? Where is the logic here ???

f.mp with 15 frames is faster then ryu’s, akuma’s, hwoarang etc and the same speed as ken’s and juri’s. so it’s decent enough, and most overheads are unsafe on block. tho it’s not a two hit, nor air born, nor comboable (unless counter hit which yields a ground bounce) etc so the risk/reward is more bad, but you can use it in combos as it also ground bounces against airborn targets. most tekken chars have slower overheads or only ones in string combos.

f.hp is 4 frames slower with 19 frames startup but yields an incredible good reward and also has some sort of inherent mixup with the different followups. this move is a big portion of his mixup game to open up people and a reason why they don’t want to be in the defense upclose against paul.

df.hk should be faster, I agree.

I do not understand why capcom put him sooooo incomplete in this game… It seems like all they had to do was bring more of his move into the game and he would be much better… They gave other player new move and still kept most if not all their base move set… Al the changes you guys have mentioned would be great if they just mapped more of his moves to the game…

If they added his sway kick combo (214 LK,RP,LP) all his sway move would be better since that combo starts low. They should have allowed his sway moves with MP and HP to act the same as they did in tekken (Ground bounce for CH and gut stun on CH)… that along with charge cancelling lvl 2 for CH would make him much better… He really needs his tools and I do not get why he does not have them…

I can see why they did not include the gut elbow… Kinda. But to not have the 66 RP, LP combo is just crazy… They could have made it one of his phoniex smasher buttons since most of those are just useless compared to the HP one…

I am not saying give him all his tekken stuff, but to not have his staples and to wonder why he is looking bad right now… Damn you capcom… You fuck up both his tekken chains (Demo man and HANGHOVER…Why did you fuck up that chain??) leave out the rest of his tekken chains, and fuck up the moves you did bring over…


I am so pissed and had to rant… Thanks for being there for me Paul players… Gat/Paul does give people the business tho.

Make the change capcom and lt paul be normal in this game… please…

How does F.HP yield a mixup?

delyed smasher/super (getting those jabbers), df.hk (high into low), doing nothing (yes it’s some sort of mixup as it’ll get reversal masher that anticipate a smasher or df.hk if you school them). nothing too fancy, still some solid stuff.

I don’t think Paul is terrible in this game, yes he could be much better but now, with training and work, i think you can have good results with him.

I don’t use much forward MP, like you said, the reward is bad, but yes foward HP is decent, and i use this one more. I didn’t know all overheads are generaly slow and unsafes.
I try to work my footsies with sway LP and mortar punch, i think mortar is a very good move, safe and nice after pokes strings for example, i try to find good uses for this move.

I understand you do not need to combo to create high lows, but if it gives negative 7 frames on block wouldn’t going into a move with 14 startup frames be suicide? I think it should have comboed tbh, it does in Tekken.

Yeah, it makes Nina’s overhead the envy of everyone. Has the same “groundbounce on counterhit” Paul’s does, but is also 2-hit and -2 on block.

Playing Xiaoyu/Paul is a pain in the ass, but I have never considered team synergy. I’m sure they will give him some buffs (probably the balance patch after this fix update), tho I’m not gonna change my anchor even if they don’t.

Ground bounce against airborn targets? Didn’t know that, also against jump/empty jump? So it can be used as an AA?

good look hitting with that against an opponent that jumps in :smiley:
you can hit them while they try to jump away tho (s.lp, s.jp, f.mp or on wakeup) sometimes. also usable in combos. (ex smasher, f.mp, s.hp xx smasher or launcher, s.lp, f.mp, s.hp xx smasher etc). non ex morta also gives a groundbounce if you hit them airborne, again during block pressure and on wakeup most of the time.

Dunno if this has been posted yet, but not that I’ve seen. Paul’s close strong is a seriously good AA, better than cr fierce by far, when you get the opportunity to land it. If you do it late, it’ll beat or trade with crossups, too. Cr fierce is more for when they’re trying to hit with the very tip of their attack. Haven’t tried it out against Hugo yet though, and that’ll be important for the next while.
Also, if it connects, you can follow with towards and strong for a decent combo.

Oh, and if far strong comes out, it will beat some jump ins. Not too sure yet, still messing around.

Hello my fellow Paul players, I’ll introduce myself and share you my Paul experiences in SFxTK.
I’m kinda new to this forum and also happy to seeing so many Paul players btw. Paul is getting much more love than yoshimitsu so it seems ^^’

My name is Ralenzo, I always get praised online for my Paul. I am certain that I can still improve my Paul, but every bit of praise (or HATE for that matter) makes me happy and keeps me going :stuck_out_tongue:

Nyways Paul is by no means a bad character. He is really good, he just gets overshadowed by all the other really good characters (Ryu, Rolento, Hugo, Ken, Kazuya etc.) and thats why he might “look” bad.
The problems with Paul is that;

  1. his dashes suck, ALL of them. His slow walk speed is not that big of a problem per se, u can still play footsies with him (even tho most of his normals have lots of startups).
  2. His AA is pretty unreliable, it’s best for you to just defend and wait for an opening. His scissor kick is good if you can predict a jump and his c.HP is good when spaced perfectly.
  3. He is free on wakeup, meaning he has no invincible move, except for his EX scissor kick (whiffs on crouchers) and EX sway (gets stuffed all the time). But Luckily for Paul there are Alpha counters =)
  4. Last problem is kinda the same as number 1., he has a hard time getting in.

I’ll now get to all his pros, setups and tell you why I think he is good. Sorry if the things I write are already posted here somewhere, just think of it as a reminder :p.

  1. He is BALANCED, the amount of bad things he has is the same as the amount of good things he has. Meaning that every win you got is legitimate, no one should ever complain if they lost against your Paul :wink:
  2. Paul has great air attack.
  • MK; a really really good cross up attack, it’s the same as AE Yang (before the 2012 changes).
  • HK; eventho it has a big number of startup frames, it also has a big number of active frames :wink: Most effective way to use this move is when your jumping really deep, because it can stuff some AA’s.
  • HP; It’s good to mix your MK up with HP.
  • All of his light attacks are good enough for winning Air to Airs.
  • Neutral Jump HP, I don’t know the hitboxes of this move, but I never got AA’ed with this
  1. Paul has one of the best (if not the best) Jab pressure in the game, it’s +5 on block. Abuse this move, it’s safe and you can easily hit confirm with this move.
  2. He has all the tools to pressure the oponnent, once he’s in, he stays in.

I’ll post my setups some time later, I’ll first let you guys digest what I wrote

Always nice to see good summarial information, glad to have you aboard Ralenzo. I think I disagree with two things (one in a good way one in a bad way). While I think Paul has one of the best jabs in the game, I do not think he has among the best jab pressure, since he lacks the walk/dash speed to follow them up for too long a period of time. In better news, I think his a-air game may be better than we think. Have we discussed in this topic the potential of Paul’s air to air game? As the game is evolving, we’re finding out that more often than not air to air is the best way to go, especially since it is so easy to combo after them. Paul has a deceptively good air game, so shouldn’t he have a deceptively good air to air one as well?

s.lp and cross cancel want to have a word with you. :slight_smile:

apart from nj.hp I mainly use j.hp and j.lk. j.lp is very situational but good against neutral jumpers and back jumpers in the corner as it hits above him. all in all his a2a game is one of the worst imo, mainly due to the lack of speed.

he has one reliable range with c.hp and it’s rather small and the start up is mediocre but it gets it job done where it hits. it has such a huge recovery tho, it’s not even funny. you better not whiff with that. at least the mp morta cancel is a ridiculously good followup, whether as ch or normal hit. CADC is okay as well, but didn’t tested it if it’s save or not yet.

Hopefully Paul gets a completely safe Phoenix Smasher and slightly faster walk speed in the balance patch. I like the character, having fun using him

who is the best Paul to watch ?
any good Paul to follow in PSN ?

“Ralenzo” he is from europe :stuck_out_tongue:
Nah I’m just kidding, u could always do tho, u might learn something but I only have around 4000BP

I don’t think Phoenix Smasher needs to become completely safe, he already has mortar punch for that. I use Phoenix Smasher more as a combo ender rather than a way to chip them out or pressure them. Only thing that I wanna see changed is his Scissor kick, I really don’t know why they gave him a DP if it isn’t invincible.

I’m not sure I understand what u mean ?

Well my reasoning for calling Paul his jab pressure one of the best in the game is because of his frame advantage on block. The only character who is on par with Paul, frame rate wise, is Raven. Paul has a startup of 4 frames with an advantage of +5 on block, Raven has a startup of 3 frames with an advantage of +4.
They both “win” a frame when they commit jab pressure.
Let me put this in perspective with other characters.
The one with the biggest frame advantage on block is steve, his jabs are +6 on block, BUT the startup of his jabs are also 6 frames, invincible reversals beat steve his jab pressure.
Ryu has a startup of 3 frames with an advantage of +2 on block, he too can be reversaled with an invincible.
It is true that Paul his walk speed is too slow to make him a big threat, u can’t tick throw with him for example. But his jabs are good enough to lock your opponent on the ground, even tho he can’t tick throw, he can do other things to mix the opponent up and keep up the pressure. But I’ll come back to this some time later.

Just like you, I think his air to air is good, it’s not the best of the game, but unlike zukuu1 certainly not the worst I think. It’s true that I lose most A2A battles with paul, but I like to believe that the reason I lost is because I messed up, rather than Paul having bad A2A. His jumping MP is good when you are anticipating a jump, u can land a counter hit in the air and follow up with a combo. There are a lot of characters with much worse Air 2 Airs than Paul, but in the end they are all just opinions really. We don’t have any hitbox information to actually compare with.

Yes, his jab’s pressure is decent, nice for mix-ups with ovehereads, pokes and mortar. I think Paul is not that bad, we just need more knowledge and training guys!

that once he is on he stays in.^^ paul can be fended off easily sadly.


the problem is that his a2a are either way to slow or have a bad hitbox or both. j.mp would be really good if it wouldn’t have a 9 frigging startup. with 4 or 5 it would be really decent, but not like this. his heavy jump ins are okay, but also too slow for an a2a. that leaves his lights and j.lp hits above him making it only viable if you jump from below into your opponent (as I said, corner for instance). j.lk is what I use most and it’s pretty okay in terms of speed and hitting area, but lacks a outstretched hitbox as it’s not a real a2a-tweaked move, rather the only one that does not suck making it the best he has. most, if not all other characters have better a2a-options, making paul’s look just bad in comparison.

I will record some of my videos some time later, so you can have an idea how I play Paul.

About that A2A, I use this for frame data. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0ApPlWhz-bEuHdDM2blEydzhDY1BJOC1Qdm9mZ09yRlE&f=true&noheader=true&gid=74
But the problem with that link is that there is no difference between neutral jump attack and diagonal jump attack, I don’t know if I can trust those numbers because it says that Jump HK is 8 frames and Jump HP/MP is 9 frames. It looks to me that Jump HK has the most startup frames out of all his Air attacks. But I could be wrong.
I just love Jumping with Paul all the time, and that’s also how I do most of my damage. I lose most of my A2A but that’s because I always use HK, and I always thought it had the most startup frames. Every time I did chose for light attacks I won, that’s why I thought his A2A wasn’t that bad.

Nyways I have some new information for you guys regarding safe jumps.Safe jumps are not that big of a deal in this game cause you can roll your way out, but it’s still nice to have =)

Paul has a 4frame safe jump you can setup right after his LK mountain raze. Just end your tipical combo with mountain raze and Immediately follow up with a jumping HK. Roughly 60% of the people I played online will tech their way up right after they got hit by a mountain raze, but little do they know that this is an advantage for Paul.
Mountain Raze gives a soft knockdown instead of a hard knockdown, that’s why I’d rather finish my combos with Mountain Raze instead of Phoenix SMasher. With mountain raze there is always this change that people will get up quick, so you can apply further pressure. With a hard knockdown it’s always guessing if they will roll or not, resulting in losing your pressure.

Here is a list of people who can punish this safe jump, I’ll also write a way to get around this “problem”

  • Ryu, All ryu his DP’s are still 3framers, meaning u cannot safe jump this f*cker. Only his EX DP is 5 frames, but there is no reason for Ryu to waste his meter on this move unless it’s an actual combo.
    Solution: none, simply empty jump and let them whiff their DP.

  • Akuma, he’s exactly the same as ryu. Only his EX DP which has a startup of 4 frames is safe jumpable.
    Solution: same as ryu

  • Ken, only his HP shoryuken and EX one are 3 framers, meaning you can safe jump all of his other DP’s, I’d still recommend you to not use the safe jump on him.
    Solution: Empty jump

  • Dhalsim, when dhalsim has meter, don’t safe jump him. His super has a startup of 3frames.
    Solution: safe jump, or walk a bit after mountain raze and cross him up with MK

  • Ibuki, her super has a startup of 1 frame.
    Solution: walk a bit after mountain raze and cross her up with MK, she lost her invincibility on her DP, so no autocorrect DP for Ibuki. Btw u can’t empty jump her cause her Super is a grab.

  • Sagat, his super is 3frames, all of his DP’s are 4frames or higher, so just keep safe jumping him 'till he has 2 bars.
    Solution: none, cause I think he can still autocorrect DP is you try to cross him up.

  • Julia, her super is a 1 framer, just like sagat keep safe jumping her 'till she has 2 bars. Empty jumping her wouldn’t work either cause there are 4 frames of recovery frames after every jump in this game.
    Solution: none

  • Steve, his super is 3frames, keep safe jumping 'till he has 2 bars.
    Solution: empty jump or cross up with MK.

  • Marduck, his EX command grab is 5frames and invincible. That’s why this setup won’t work, he’ll be invincible when u attack him with your Heavy kick and fast enough to grab you on your recovery frames when you land.
    Solution: empty jump sway, cross up with MK.

  • Zangief, super and EX command grab, same reason as Marduck.
    Solution: empty jump sway, not sure if cross up will work because of his lariat.

  • Abel, his EX command grab is 6 frames and invincible, reasons for not working is the same as Marduck.
    Solution: Option select sway

  • Hugo, his EX command grab is 6 frames just like Abel
    Solution: same as Abel, option select sway

Setup for the safejump is Light kick Mountain Raze, Jump HK. You’ll have to hold diagonal immediately after LK Mountain raze but do the HK a bit late or else it will whiff completely, don’t do it too late tho or else your HK won’t come out. Also remember that this will only work if they get up quick.
I hope that this will be usefull to some of you guys =)

I’ll try to record this and post this up some time later.