"Ain't my style!" Paul General Discussion Thread

I think Paul’s standing jab is EXCELLENT against dive kicks, it doesn’t extend his hurtbox at all so it has ridiculous priority, it starts in 4 frames, and has extremely quick recovery. I’ve only fought a few Rufus players with Paul so far, and standing lp has kept him off of me, but I’m not sure if it would work once he’s already on top of you… probably not. In that situation I think your best bet is to try to block and cross cancel a cr.lk or something.

I haven’t tried it personally, but standing strong only has 6 startup frames and has 5 active frames compared to standing jabs 3, so this may be a more forgiving option if it can consistently beat it cleanly

Sup guys? I’m a newcomer to Paul. I’ve never been a Tekken player, so he’s a little foreign to me. But I really want to make him work on my Guile team because of his also awesome hair, and I’m digging his character.

I’m reading up on him in this thread’s main post and about to start looking at the online guide, but any quick tips to get me started would be appreciated it. He doesn’t seem like a very link heavy character, which is weird for my because I’m so used to Guile. And over all I can’t tell if he’s very good or not yet. He seems to have a good amount of potential, but I don’t really know where to start with it.

Anyway thanks. My Paul will hopefully be kicking ass soon.

s.lp is a viable option as is j.lk. c.hp will also work but must be done rather early. (good against dive kick~dive kick pressure). this is also one of the mus where ex shredder has actually some uses.

that’s my team exactly. paul is one of the link-heaviest characters in the game actually. his chain combos are inferior by far and he has solid options without cross rush (unless you want to switch ofc). that said, his links aren’t exactly difficult tho. the most chain I use is c.mp/c.mk~s.hp xx Ex Smasher.
he is a decent addition to guile as any tag into paul means a huge distance gain. I often do c.mk~s.hk~launcher, s.lp, f.mp, s.hp xx smasher and tag out right away. basically you build meter with guile (boom, whiff s.hp, c.mk~s.hk/s.hp footsie, tick throw game, udk, overheads etc) and use it with paul or use his cross art.

Yeh the deeper I’ve gotten into his trials, the more I see his links. Man I really need to get plinking down, seems like it could be useful for Paul. I don’t know how I’ve survived so long with Guile without it…

He’s starting to seem like a character I’ll really enjoy playing. Thanks for the tips, good to hear stuff from another person with my team. They seem like they could go well together for the reasons you described. Paul seems to have pretty good EX moves, and of course Guile is awesome at building meter. Plus it seems like Guile’s flash kick could set up some good shenanigans for Paul, considering he has a lot of moves the groundbounce an airborne opponent.

check the combo thread. a quick glimpse will tell you that he doesn’t make use of chains that much. I don’t think you need plinking that much. the only link where it really helps for lk raze, c.mk imo.

after guile’s flash kick I go for cl.mp, f.mp, s.hp xx smasher (if the spacing is bad s.mp, c.mk xx smasher) or plain c.hp when I combo into super arts.
flash kick switch cancel on block is not safe btw.

Gems? Autoblock/autotech gem and meter building gems = lifesaver.

Good to know about the flash kick switch. dunno why I would just assume it would be safe. This is my first time really digging into this game since it came out, so it’s good to know this stuff. The game is really fun, btw.

And those combos are awesome for me to get goin on, thanks. Yeh Paul seems like he’ll be a great second character because of his various groundbounce air moves. And I like that he can do good chunks of damage with fairly basic stuff.

In many ways he seems pretty similar to Guile. Of course without the amazing zoning, but I think you get what I’m saying. He’s got kind of a limited move-set, but a lot of options around those moves. His normals seem pretty damn solid as well. That’s what I like.

Because I played Cody in SSF4, I sometime do a st.MP against air attacks… the funny thing is that it worked everytime until now. Could be a better option than cr.HP?

s.mp isn’t as good. in particular if you get the cl.mp version. it loses to heigh/cross up dive kicks.
mashing s.lp after a blocked dive kick is the best option as of yet. jump back j.lk is also viable but can be punished if anitcipated.

edit: nj.lk seems to bet all divekicks after c.lk/s.lp. inf act it might be the best tool against any s.lp, crossup pressure.

I’ve been giving Paul a second chance on account of his swap costume looking absolutely baller (I played with the colors so that it looks like Jacky Bryant’s A costume in Virtua Fighter 5, now if I could only swap Paul’s moveset with his chef friend…), and I am already doing much better with him than before. It is highly doubtful I’ll come up with anything no one else has already tried, but if I do I’ll be sure to let people know.

I thought about an elvis paul x)

the more I play paul the better I think he actually is. not tournament material but def not d tier. nj.lk stopping all of s.lp => crossup pressure, decent damage and if you can school your opponent you’re pretty good off. f.hp xx smasher is very good but against a few matchups. love cl.mp, c.mp. can be used as hit confirm after any jump in or something and either on block or hit rather decent. 1 frame trap on block, easy damage link on hit. with one bar you can easily convert a good chunk of damage (j.mk, cl.mp, c.mp~s.hp xx ex smasher, f.mp, s.hp xx smasher for intance).

I wonder if Paul will became adept at playing a really niche spot on teams, similar to what King seems to be doing now. It seems that King is merely meant to tag in, do huge damage off the tag in, use his good mixup game to secure another knockdown for big damage, then tag out before he has to do anything else. As for Paul, he may just be a Tag in, make them his ***** in the corner for a bit, then tag out to the primary character after they’ve escaped you. His st.lp and others seem to be some saviors though.

I need to learn what exactly jab pressure is myself. Is it just that I can chain multiple st.lps safely with the opponent unable to really react, and if one scores I can follow it up with a combo?

holding forward s.lp, s.lp, s.lp more or less linking them with different timing. paul’s s.lp is +5 on block and +9 on hit for instance, while having 4 frames start up so you’ll counter hit any buttons but reversals. due to little blockstun overall it’s also very hard to cross cancel. since you can combo more then 3 s.lp on hit you have an EASY time hitconfirming it into whatever you like. cross rush or link combos. mix in tick throws, high/low game and cross ups and you got yourself some godlike pressure. paul has the s.lp to do it but lacks the walkspeed to make it AS effective (it’s still one of his best tools).

I believe in most cases you can connect up to 5x LP starting from close distance, and potentially 6 on the fattest characters. Because of the +9 on hit, you get quite a bit of walking time. If you ever get too far, remember, you can mix in LP > DP+MP, or c.MK > DP+MP, or even c.MK-HP > DP+LP+HP.


I decided to make a video on the info I’ve learned on Paul so far in a tutorial like form. There might not be anything new here for you guys, but I thought it would be a good idea to compile a lot of Paul info in one place.

Ok i’ve been testing out some ideas in training and I think i’ve found some interesting stuff, i’ll try to explain best I can (big post):

I was thinking of uses for Ex Mortar because it is safe on block and causes a groundbounce when it hits. Safe and follow up combos/tag combos when it hits… fantastic.

So I began playing around with Chains and I found a lot of his Ex Moves that seem kind of crap in mid battle like Ex Mortar, Ex Sway actually seem useful when used in conjunction with chains.

I’ll begin by using this chain as an example: St Lp ~ Cr Mk ~ Cs Hp. An example of a time you might use this chain in a match… Blocked Jump Mk Crossup > Cs Mp (or a slight delay to avoid reversals), Delayed St Lp ~ Cr Mk ~ Cs Hp, a fairly standard frame trap approach.

If this frame trap chain hits you can go into an Ex PS for a wallbounce into big combo/tag combo. If it is blocked Ex Mortar is one option. I did some quick testing (emphasis on the quick) and this seems like a nifty little trap. If you try to jump between the end of the chain and Ex Mortar starting you will get hit and if you stick out normals to punish the chain this will most likely beat it and cause a groundbounce for a follow up combo! This can get beat by reversals but you have more options for this situation.

If you use Ex Sway at the end of this chain in my tests on Ryu’s Srk only Ex (with pretty strict timing) will beat it out although Supers and Cross Assaults seem to own it (there is an option vs these though later). So it seems Ex Sway may beat a lot of reversals from this chain but I need to test it more to confirm. Ex Sway from this setup also seems to eat NJ’s alive and hits back jumps or forces them to block (fwd jump will escape the Ex Sway but it looks like you will have recovered in time to avoid being punished). You also get to follow up with a BIG combo if this hits!

You also have his Ex Dash Cancel, which seems fairly hard to distinguish between Ex Mortar and Sway in the heat of moment but it is very unsafe in this setup (and we all know how slow Paul’s dash recovers so using it in offence is a big risk).

Interestingly I found if you change the chain I gave as an example slightly to St Lp ~ Cr Mk ~ Cs Hk (instead of Cs Hp) Ex Sway Beats a lot more reversals including a some maybe a lot of Super’s/Cross Assaults (I only tested a few, Chun Li, Ryu, Kazuya, Paul) Ryu’s Ex Srk Chun’s Ex SBK to name a few more reversals that don’t punish this. However Ex Sway is a lot more vulnerable to jumps in this chain.

Ex Mortar completely whiffs in this chain however His Ex Backdash Cancel seems hella safe compared to the previous chain. Some characters may be able to punish this but away from the corner Ex Backdash seems very safe from this chain and may be a good way to bait out reversals.

I feel that in the heat of the moment and if you are being creative with your blockstrings it will be hard to distinguish slightly different chains (ending in a Cs Hk instead of Cs Hp) which give your Ex moves different priorities in moves that they are safe against/beat and Also tough to tell apart Ex moves and be able to react (have to guess).

Also you can cancel into an Ex at any point in a chain so you can really cause your opponent problems for example: in the first chain St Lp ~ Cr Mk ~ Cs Hp your opponent has to block normal/low/normal so if they block that chain you can mix it up next time by doing St Lp into Ex Mortar so they suddenly have to block high instead of low (it seems fast and difficult to react to).

So to wrap this post up I feel these chain tricks with some creativity and meter (meter gems ftw) can make Paul’s pressure and blockstrings a lot harder to deal with. I’m sorry if this is common knowledge but I haven’t seen it discussed so I thought I would share it with you guys. If I have done a bad job explaining and you would like to see a video I can do that also.

Hi Im new in this game im interested in Paul and Law, he is best couple i think in SF X Tekken
He is good and have cool Super but he is kinda slower than Law
what Paul best Bnb combo, can he do follow up combo after up high kick ( Shredder)
after partner(law) launcher what Paul best combo ? i just simple do cr mp and phoenix smasher, any combo better than that
Any tips ?

Look in the Combo thread for the Bnbs, and whichever combo has the best balance of damage and consistency is your best one. Just jumping in or linking MPs into Smasher is enough for me at times, my most damage comes with bigger stuff in the corner though. I’d say st.MP, cr.MP, Mountain Razer, cr.mk, Smasher is a solid core. Can add heavies, start it with a jump-in, or even EX the Smasher at the end for more if needed (thanks Russel). Yes, he can hit after Shredder if the move hit ideally. A sweep is the easiest thing, but he can also hit Phoenix Smasher, so you can do good damage following a Shredder with EX Smasher I think that works. Post Launch my favorite is St.mp, Cr.MK, Smasher, easy and just a bit more damage than your current. There are more advanced stuff, go look at the topic.

General tips, better people can give, but here goes. Paul has a really good jab, believe it or not, can make good pressure. He also has good Mps to do the same, and can link them to Specials. His jump ins are strong. You’ll want to get them into the corner as soon as possible, so it is best for him to be 2nd character. Here you can see in combo thread he has access to much more damaging combos, and with the proper timing his down-forward HK can be used as an option select: if they try to roll out of the corner it will sweep them on the other side. Use hcfK and DPp to go over projectiles. Try doing Lpsway instead of back dashing.
Paul is a character with some great tools, but all in all he has many weaknesses you need to know and avoid.

Hey guys, I’ve gone through Steve, Balrog, Bison, Akuma, Law and now I’m settling on Abel/Paul as a team. I’ve found a lot of the info you guys have to be really useful so thanks for all that.

I feel like I’ve been a bit spoiled by Law’s ex reversal, but damn I wish his EX-up kicks actually hit crouching opponents. I know the best strategy is to just block and defend against a mix-up but damn Paul feels a little helpless in this game. The close medium is awesome as well and its such an easy hit confirm and I had no idea you were at an advantage after mortar punch, it looks so punishable. I’ll be posting here more as I play around with Paul a bit more.

Hey guys, you think Paul is garbage or he can be a good one with a lot of learning ?