[]mp sway has lower body invincibility, NOT hp sway. hp sway cleanly loses to ryu cr.mk, while mp sway almost never loses and only sometimes trades. Just to clear that up!
[]Hammer punch overhead is less invincible than i thought, only the fist and wrist has no hurtbox
Some new tech:
[]Df+hk actually lowers paul’s hurtbox to half size, so again, attacks that have high hitbox, like sagat toward roundhouse will not hit paul off of it. Raze actually lowers it even further, so its almost like a poverty honda lp.headbutt.
[]Against scared players (low hp lookin for tag with no meter), cr.lk XX Mp Morta puts you in perfect distance for another cr.lk
Been having fun playing CVS2 Terry, uh i mean Paul, he feels like a good ‘base’ character in a lot of ways for learning shit, but i can’t imagine this guy can be anything above a low-mid tier. Having to rely on an unsafe special to get past zoning? You have to be psychic to punish any fireballs with it in the first place.
Yeah… he’s definitely not the best… but this is not sf4 where it’s 7-3 all across for the low tiers, you HAVE to team with a high tier or top tier char to have any chance tho. If you’re having fun with him, try to stick with him and add some powerfull partner like rolento hugo or ryu to make up for his weakness.
with a few changes he could be decent. (faster shredder, ex version invincible till 2nd active frame, faster walkspeed, j.mp 5 frames, change j.hp with nj.hp, faster morta by a few frames, faster recovery, smasher -4, c.mk 5/6 frames startup, mp sway groundbounce on CH, hp wallbounce on CH and/or safer on block, demolition man midscreen connectable, quicker forward dash or forward sway version, ex sway 1-17 invincible + 17 start up, lp sway immun till end, c.hp better hitbox etc…), pick any of those and he would be much better immediatly.
still gonna play him regardless ofc <3
I’ve been doing the dash twice after PS but I do HP mortar punch rather than another PS. It does seem to hit meaty? I tried HP PS after two dashes and it does seem to hit meaty? Though you can only do it mid screen since when the opponent is in the corner the spacing is messed up and you will get punished if they stand up and block the PS.
Either that or my opponent’s timing on reversals suck lol
I’m really not sure, the most logical exPlanation is that the dashes must be just frame and the ps must be done on the first posible frame after dash ends… Also, some chars jumP faster that others, so a meaty ps will not be meaty against some of the chars that jump faster. Close to the corner, hold down the ps and as soon as you see them start to get up let it rip.
^ yes there are times I do the dash late and I end up getting SRK’d but if I did the dashes correctly and did the PS exactly afterwards it does hit the opponent just as they are standing up and if they press anything other than block they get hit. I don’t know the frame (dis)advantage though if they get up blocking and what are the punishes and I will try to roll instead of standing up.
Neutral jump medium kick hits both sides but the hind side has weak range compared to the front. This has been very helpful for me to deal with certain kinds of pressure. Paul also has one of the game’s most damaging throws on both directions so you should take advantage of that whenever you can. Yeah that’s pretty much all the tips I have for now lol Paul’s pretty simple. If you wanna do well you gotta know your fundamentals him.
How do you guys punish back dashes? I fought a Chun Li who just kept backdashing through my pressure and blockstrings ugh…so frickin annoying. Wonder if there is a way to option select…like do st. LP/Cr. LP > buffer into Phoenix Smasher? If they dash, PS comes out and if they don’t, st. LP will come out. Yes?
lol i was gonna make a thread about where people thought paul was rank/tier wise. Not at all surprised by this. For as much fun as paul is, he’s ass. This being said I’m still sticking with him, he’s too badass to drop
I been using j.lk for A2A and it works like a charm
Also after a H.PS i jump forward straight away and do another
Now i am not sure if this is safe but so far i have beaten everything
even if they roll forward the PS will hit them out off the roll
Any strong Paul players on xbox live to follow? There are some mixups I know I need to use more, but it would be nice to see if there are any high level Pauls and how they are handling good players. I feel ok against a bunch of the cast (except Guile) but I also feel like I’m winning due to people not knowing the matchup.
All the Paul play I see on the character channel has been atrocious so far and I wanna learn some new Paul tech / see how good players are developing him.
This is even tighter than the two dashes then PS I just tried yesterday playing with friends. This I think is better and less likely to screw up since the two dashes requires strict timing.
Though the real question is if it’s really a safe meaty attack will try it out on training mode later.