AFRODOJO's FINAL EVENT! Moving to Seattle PARTY! 4/17! Starts at Noon!

Damn, looks like hella people are gonna show up tomorrow…:karate:

Hey m1nica,

If you still wanted to go to the dojo, shoot me a text before noon tomorrow. Because if i’m not giving anyone a ride, i’ll probably head out there early to help move stuff and get some games in.


I would backdash more if he has u2, since he can just u1 your backdash if he times it right. Ken can also option select fmk or tatsu, or even fierce srk through backdashes. If he has u1 you should definitely be wary of the fierce srk OS because he gets a ch ultra off of that, (I think? is catching backdash a ch?). Otherwise yeah its a decent strategy.

^you’ll have to show me what you mean by ultra backdashes (who does raw ultra like that on a guess at ANY high level?), I will revise what I said, but I’m refering to certain ground type opselects.

The one I’ve been working on (I dislike backdash spamming, found a way to punish it, can’t wait to have it in regular play)


bah i can’t make it i thought i worked in the morning but i work from 330-930


Gieft,Duncan - READ!!! lol

there are two brackets that will combine later in the evening. One is for E A R L Y!!! players, the other is for L A T E!!! players. So even though Gieft you get off at 830 and might not make it till 9, you will be placed in the late bracket and be fine. You need to get your ass over here and quit finding ways to not come man, im about to keep all my dhalsim secrets to myself if u dont get out here and freakin play man.

Duncan, stop hating. Tournament starting at 8 no matter what, and u are getting placed in a hard bracket. People mistake you for Dustin cause u stopped coming to the dojo and Dustin started coming here consistently. So since we were so used to u, Dustin kind of took your spot. Now u gotta re-earn it so we dont call u Dustin anymore =P Dont go MIA and people wont forget your name hehhe

Waiting for folks to come practice early.


I’m so confused???:wasted:

So Cole, this is Dustin(dkn29), the taller, bigger Rufus player who hasn’t made it out to dojo much in the past month or so. Duncan is MrK, the other Rufus player with the funny voice. I don’t know which post you’re referring to about hating, since my last post in this thread was ggs from last week. Duncan’s last post also held no hate…soooooo…yeah.

From now on, if anyone wants to call me by a name, just call me Namdar since it’s my last name and it’s what most people who get to know me end up calling me anyways (eg. I don’t know the last time Vivek called me Dustin, maybe 2002?).

I like to refer to you and Vivek as Aladdin and the Genie…

…which makes Chris Iago.

Is this cool?

Hah! Sure though I’m not sure how well the genie fits for Vivek, then again Aladdin is Arabic but I guess it’s all in the same region. As far as Chris goes, I feel like Abu would be a better fit.

Vivek is obviously Aladdin, Genie.

= / helpful comparison time!

-Goes to Dojo Hella
-Has not a funny, but very charming voice
-Brings/Drinks alot of beer
-Slightly better battle rapper than Dustin.
-Also Better at Doomsday Warrior
-wears dress shirts with gym shorts
-Clasically handsome, known as “Our Savoir” in the Rufus community, also plays vega, also is the most interesting man in the world, also is super modest.

-Goes to the Dojo INFREQUENTLY
-Drinks alot of Beer
-Bigger version of Duncan
-wears fleeces with gym shorts
-He is ““some big overgrown monster that’s always thinking about food”” Plays Rufus, Zangief
-Has 99 problems, and strangely 98 of them are sandwich related.
-His parent met through this dating service: [media=youtube]scDrcx42d0Q&feature=player_embedded[/media]

The real easy way to look at the difference is from Pokemon terms. Duncan is the evolved version of Dustin.

Hah okay fine. And yeah you’re right about Chris being Iago.

my friend and I wanted to come to the dojo tonight, but no answer from cole’s cell.

He never answers. Just go! I’ll be leaving in about an hour, but I know people are already there practicing.

I’ll be attending tonight! Looking forward to catching up with you all.

hehe my bad NAMDAR =) i was mainly just teasing and giving you a hard time. Did not mean u were out right hating in a negative way about dojo tourneys starting on time. They never started on time in the past, but im changing th script now!!! So start time 8pm on the DOT!!!

Aight Peace =)

Currently at dojo (tanaka, Connor, BFM, myself, Taz!)


if i can get down there count me in for bringing a PS3 stick. see yall there!

Stream is up:
DojoStats on USTREAM: .

Shoutouts to…

  1. So many people coming over
  2. Delucifer not being DeluciFOURTH, but instead DeluciFIRST!
  3. Eman for the Adon tips and our tourney mirror match
  4. Drunk Carlos

LOL Beer Chaser… Just sad…