Whoa…wait up a second there. Even though it was a total clusterfuck, me and EA Megaman and Cesar, along with help from others, made sure this happened even though Evo cancelled it as an official event. I’m not saying it went down smoothly, but it did go down.
There’s a dude on that thread calling Daigo amazing for this match… Seriously? It was a solid match with two top players in it, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s anywhere form a 6/4 to a 7/3 in Rog’s favor… that shit isn’t amazing. Amazing ST is when some random ass Blanka (Komoda) comes out of nowhere and bodies Aniken / Yaya / Daigo in a row.
Ah, my bad on the misconception. Let me replace that then with Shirts’s $$$ challenge against Snake Eyez in HDR classic proposed after Evo 2010 that never took off the ground.
For a while I thought Slush Puppies were a thing of the past, but then I saw one last year at a gas station on my way to Atlanta for Final Round. It had to be a higher power at work.
Yes in a retarded tournament format where you only need to win one match to take the whole set vs a player. That’s totally cooler than someone winning an actual set vs someone. Also Komoda isn’t a random ass blanka.
Cool story, bro.
Also, why so serious? Komoda’s play style is random in that you can’t figure out what he’ll do next. I didn’t mean he’s some random scrub like yourself.
Id put my money on Damdai. While Balrog is scary in his own right, once O.Hawk has a knockdown close to the corner, its hard for ANYONE to get out of that negative edge throw shenanegans. But regardless, this is exactly what the scene needs. Somehow this NEEDS to be on stream. There needs to be a kick ass trailer made for this and everything.
yea i postedit fuck it. If it can be said behind his back it can be known to the world
<OG-RYU-1992> Really Afro, you need to get him to commit to an amount.
<OG-RYU-1992> I might… still considering it
<afro legends> tell him if he wins more than 5 games
<afro legends> he only has to pay 800
<OG-RYU-1992> I think he is worried more about his “#1” rep. than the money
<mikeidge> maybe damdai should learn rog so he can at least say it was a fair match
<afro legends> lol
<afro legends> im gonna take his money and his pride
<mikeidge> oh shiiit