Great, if both sides agree, then please make sure this happens. Our community has a poor track record of carrying through on big challenges:
-CigarBoB’s $100 entry, winner-take-all Masters tourney for Evo 2007 not happening because of no setup
-All of Gian’s money matches for Evo 2007 canceled because of CCC2 input lag
-HDR regional exhibition for Evo 2009 canceled in lieu of SF4
-My $200-500 challenge to the west coast (sans afro legends) for Evo 2011 not getting any takers
Anyway, if this is the Evo 2012 thread for bets, then once again, I’m willing to mm anybody else outside the northeast for money. If I reach $200 or more in total bets from players not from Japan and not afro legends -or- if I qualify for the high rollers exhibition, then I’ll definitely attend Evo, And if I go to Evo, then I’d be up for a ft5 with you, afro, for a more minor sum (say $100) if you’re down with that.
Disclaimer until I reach the $200 threshold (optional above the threshold): Full deposit must be sent beforehand by both parties to a reliable, neutral middleman (e.g. papasi, DGV) by an agreed-upon date. If one party is unable to compete after that date for any reason, then the full amount is forfeited to the other party. If both parties agree not to compete, then the money is refunded. I don’t mean to sound untrustworthy but my experience has been that players often don’t follow through on their talk.
I like both players equally, but I’m gonna have to give the** edge to Afro**. I just don’t see Damdai’s Hawk being able to stop Afro’s Rog, its not a good match-up on paper. If Damdai switches to shoto (O’Ken) the match is still slightly in Rog’s favor. Just have a look at Evo’s ST finals from last year where Diago was able to neutralize Damdai’s Hawk completely. I can only assume that Afro’s Rog is on Diago’s level. Maybe Damdai has some new tricks to deal with Rog now? That being said I hope its epic close and everyone is entertained. Good Luck guys!
Yes, but that might be a bad idea, because as soon as that happens Damdai pick’s O,ken or Ryu and gets the next win against Afro’s DeeJay. Afro should prolly just try to ride Rog out to victory without giving Damdai a counter pick opportunity.
I agreed stevetren. Skill-wise I believe they are on the same level.
But the character match up will be slightly in afro’s favor.
You quoted the grand final between damdai & daigo. But the winner’s final was very close. Daigo ended up taking the set by picking o sagat.
Considering damdai mained a different character each year he went to japan, there are plenty of time until this summer for him to master another character.
But even if he doesn’t, with his crazy fast reaction time, I would still consider this a very close fight.
Afro vs damdai - best marketing champaign for the road to EVO.
Damdai has quite a few characters he can play, so if we’re allowing counter picks and they train up for this shit, things would get interesting if he rolled out his Dhalsim again. Dungeons and Dragon Punches, son.
Personally, I think a Boxer is a dangerous thing to trifle with. Seeing it play out is far more interesting to me than folks throwing out their allegiances.
True. But I think Afro is fairly comfortable with the Ryu and o.ken matchup as Deejay. In either case, if he starts out with a commanding lead by winning the first match, then he can just switch back to Rog after his first loss, and still be in a prime position to win the FT5.
Either way. Should be hype. I was already excited for ST at Evo this year, now we’ve got a few more reasons to show up and support US’s best ST players.