I don’t think a 3s thing like this would ever happen, for a number of reasons. It could happen MAYBE with Marvel 2, but even that possibility is at least a year off, probably 3. If a 3s event committee ever popped up, I would join in a heartbeat though, so anyone can please send word my way if they want help. 3s was the top game (in terms of numbers) for a long time – it’s risen and fallen – I don’t think the love is there for the game like there is with the ST community.
Plus EVO staff hates 3s, lol, and they love and respect ST. So that’s even a factor (at least for main stage support).
FUDD thank you for the MM footage!!!
I’m still too exhausted to write full shouts but being apart of ToL is something I’ll never forget and always be proud of, seeing how the FGC and specifically SF2 originally have literally changed the course of my life
I really fail to see all the issue about Hawk’s OS BS. Ryu loses many match-ups if he messes up anti-airs or eats some crap such as empty jump into throw: T. Hawk is just another one. You can see Choi losing to Mongolo cos of messing up SRKs, Nuki owning several Ryus in Japan who eventually accept a jum-in that was their only chance of winning, Daigo and several other good Ryu players lose bad against O.Sagat and not punishing the one chance they had to AA him and knock him down, etc, etc, etc. Bottom-line is: don’t mess up.
It’s still a fairly high hurdle to overcome. It’s a serious issue at the intermediate level that is only slightly elevated at the higher levels with superior execution. It’s the only setup in the game that is a inescapable. Chun jumping on in Ryu is a bad situation, but you can get out of it. Missing a critical AA against O.Sagat is bad, but it’s not the end of the world. If you go up against an O.Hawk that does not mess up his post-knockdown setups, you are 100% guaranteed to be dead, with no chance to escape, except maybe a super.
O.Sagat is a lopsisded match-up, you are lucky to even have him jump at you. What I mean is Ryu will lose almost every round he accepts jump-ins in high-level play. It is important that people are aware of that. Also, Zangief is signifficantly harder match-up than Hawk, and he already lands a lt of damage on the ground. I could get many more examples - both in theory and with actual videos - of situations in which you have to react with the SRK so save your ass, and other that you actually have to choose among different options, and chosing the wrong one leads to 50% damage, death, or dizzy. Sloppy play leads us to believe the game is way more forgiving than it actually is.
As for Hawk, you can escape with super, so there is a way out. Also, by using constant reversals among Jap SRK and Short Tatsu, you actually have a good chance of escaping it, even before you actually get the super bar ready. I am pretty sure there are other traps that are only escapeable with super.
I actually feel fairly confident in the O.Sagat, it’s much more manageable than the rest of his bad matchups imo.
I don’t think the Zangief match is significantly harder than Hawk, I always feel in control against Giefs, and I personally believe it’s an even match.
Jab SRKs and short tatsus are used to disrupt his timing, but none of which are effective ways to escape. Jab SRK doesn’t do a thing against his wake up st.jab, and short tatsus might work a few times, but they can be hit out by a cr.strong, which resets you in the same position. It’s damn near a virtual lock, and doesn’t even require a corner.
Ultimately, it just means I gotta spend more time grinding out the match in order to perfect the execution of my strategy.
The main idea about constant reversal Tatsus and SRK is to build super bar while eating way less damage than a typhoon. The enemy messing up and releasing you from the loop is a bonus. The corner may actually help, since weird recover properties happen there, which makes it even harder to react in time and adapt to the constant resets.
I completely agree that it’s a serious issue at intermediate level. But that also applies to Gief.
I won’t say no to free food, but you don’t have to do that and there’s no need to apologize to me.
I made the wager for sport knowing full well that the outcome of the match was not certain. I apologize if I made you feel like you had an obligation to me to win.
About the “clean vs dirty” fighting. If you are on the receiving end of any top players attacks, everything is going to feel “dirty”. For example, if you can block Afro’s ambiguous cross up 5 times in a row straight, I’ll give you 20 bucks. He is so good with that cross, it might as well be an unblockable infinite. Same goes with Maos dive mix ups, or Valles footsie game. When you’re facing a strong player, everything they do is going to feel cheap. The whole point is to exploit all your advantages to the max potential.
(1) Love to both players. I am happy to have them both participate in the ST community.
(2) With that said, Damdai won on the biggest FGC stage ever. Players/ fans from all over the world were watching the SF25th tournament. No other event will be quite like it. Afro will need to wait 25 years for a run back/ rematch on a venue/event of that size again. And it may be a long 25 years…