AEMAKOTO Guide and Q&A: Ask all your questions here!

If I decide to listen to music it usually comes down to mood, sometimes metal works for me, other times it just helps me fail. Those failing times is when I probably should have been listening to some Two Steps From Hell for an epic feel.

Loool really? I think metal would be too distracting. I’ll try listening to Converge and see whats up.

Last tournament i went to i just kept playing, I think I can by the Pillows from FLCL and Kpop, ended up getting second but…eehhh it was a pretty low skill tourny.

Some slower paced metal like doom, stoner would be fine I think (reminds me to try playing to Church of Misery’s ‘Filth Bitch Boogie’ kinda apt name :P). I generally listen to whatever floats my boat at the time because in the end I have to set my own tempo, not the tempo of the music I’m listening to. For tournament I tried the headphone/music thing but it doesn’t work too well for me, especially with some characters who have audio cues to help you react to certain moves.

I did get on a good win streak at my local arcade while I was listening to Antaeus’ ‘Cut your Flesh and Worship Satan’ album, so extremely fast paced music + a generous amount of disgust for humanity might do you some good :stuck_out_tongue:

I usually listen to what ever is new on my iPod. During Canada cup it was wale’s new cd. Lol it does help tho, I didn’t have it on my first match and lost. Next two I had it on and won. Fourth round I was against zhi :s took him to the last round at least. It would have been nice to know he can punish tc2 with spd b4 the match (online geifs are horrible lol)

yeah… TC1 is -4 and TC2 is -3… He can punish both on block with LP SPD. Even on hit he can punsih TC1 on hit (its -1 on hit) if he is in range.

black sabbath. gets you in the mood to dash in and choke people.

Can any one tell me why cross over jumping MK Cr lp St lp cr mp combos on viper crouching?

it depends on the timing. you must be getting a meaty s.LP which is at least +6f on hit. since c.MP has 6f startup, it will combo.

Is s.HP > HC > s.MP a link for Oni? No matter how early I try he seems to be able to block it in time, contrast with Hakan who I can land fairly consistently. I guess it’s to do with hitbox distances?

Nope. you’re not cancelling the s.HP quickly enough. Keep practicing buddy lol.

FYI FFS works on the entire cast

Aye, I know that it does work (I’ve managed to pull it off once or twice during a training session last night) but I kept thinking his hurtbox might be a bit far back which stops MP from hitting early or something silly like that.

Well, back I go to getting RSI :stuck_out_tongue:

Ryu is a true bitch. I went to training vs cpu on hardest with him, and I been gettin super pissed cuz when he corners me he busts out with a billion block strings (perfectly linked of course cuz its the cpu, ole bitch ass) and I cant do jack squat except wait to punish his dp, which he only does after like 30 secs of strings. Theres gotta be a better way. Enlighten me if you can.

Ryu’s block strings are nothing special compared to the top frame trappers and dive kickers, believe me. Look in the defensive guide in the original posts for some advice on how to deal with pressure.

Dont care bout all them. Its just ryu. But ok i will.

Hey guys I was trying to figure out some stuff to shut down more of roses offense on us. Tonight was just a short stint in the training room but if I got everything right then when rose does any soul spiral (except at max range) you can lk Kara it. Didnt see her in the matchups so thought this might b useful.

Kinda random, butNeutral LK Tsurugi> MK Tsurugi actually works on blanka after backthrow. just thought i should point that out.

This actually works on most grounded slides. Bison, Rose, Cody, Dee Jay, etc. It is impractical at best, for obvious reasons.

I have however, done it on accident a lot when messing up a IA input. Ah good times…

So… I was working on block strings and I ran across this trade OS video that was pretty nice. They had Makoto doing this:

c.LK (blocked), LP (1~3f charge) Hayate (trade from crouch tech), Ultra 1.

Its brilliant, really, to beat people who mash crouch tech or anything else really. The only requirements are that you have a move that has enough frame advantage to land something afterwards. This includes normals and specials. For many character this is easy. Makoto is no different. here’s my thoughts if you’re interested. Feel free to discuss, correct me, or provide alternatives to my theory:

Rindoukan Meditation


4f Startup
4f Active
7f Recovery

LP Hayate
(1~4)+7f startup
5f Active
23f Recovery
*21f of hitstun (this will be important later)

Ultra 1
6f startup

The input is this:

c.LK (holding :df:), :qcf: LP (charge 0~3f), :qcf: :ppp:


since c.LK is recovers in 7f, and LP Hayate has an 8 frame startup, then there is a 1 frame gap when cancelled immediately. Virtually impossible to mash through. However it leaves Makoto at a disadvantage (-8 on block). We can alleviate this pressure by intentionally letting in a 3~5f normal and looking for the trade. here’s how it goes:

Charge 1f, and there is a 2f gap. no normals will come through.
Charge 2f, and there is a 3f gap, so 3f normals will come through, but since they dont’ hit till the 4th frame, you get CH. Nice to know because CH LP Hayate combos into… oh, that’s right, nothing. Sucks. But at least its something.
Charge 3f, and there is a 4f gap, so the 3f normal will trade with LP Hayate. This is a good thing because:

-Most 3f lights have extremely low hit stun (think 13-15 frames MAX but most are less)
-LP Hayate has 21 frames of hit stun

So during the trade, Makoto will recover between 6-8f earlier than the opponent AT LEAST, so a buffered OS 6f Ultra 1 will hit. Depending on the character you will have more leeway (like against viper).

Now, before anyone comes in talking about how impractical it is, just think, first, about how many trade hayates you have left out there. Yes there are other alternatives yes, so this is more theory fighter than anything else. I’m going to test this with other normals. I know we tend to OS sweep during trades (esp after s.LP and s.MP), so I’m just looking to take it a little further. However, if anyone has an idea about options selects to implement after trade normals I’d like to discuss that as well.

@mossad, I need to see that in video form, my imagination isn’t working today.
can someone explain exactly why (frame data,etc) after a successful cr. Mp the opponent (cpu) can sometimes block the follow up hayate?

You held in the Hayate ever so slightly. Negative edge eliminates that problem, I negative edge MP and HP every time unless I’m using EX Hayate.