AE Matchup Discussion: Dee Jay, Dhalsim, Dudley, El Fuerte, E. Honda

in AE ? how much in SSFIV ?

1st or 2nd frame in SSFIV. Wanna say first.

It’s a big nerf, dp 3 & 4 frames, throws… damn.

yeah one thing i liked to do in ssf4 was to hop through blatant tick throw attempts then punish from the other side. I also liked it somewhat vs. abel.

that’s why when i do cross up mk in guard, and hop forward, the opponent throw me everytime, and in SSFIV, the throw whiff…

yep you can also do a lot of other stuff to kill his charge completely on wakeup…

Lack of anti air lp headbutt opens a few more sceanrios that’s all



Current Tier List Match Rating: 5/5

Can Punish Horizontal Ball with: HP or EX Machinegun Blow, Ultra 1

Recommended Ultra to use: Ultra 1

General Strategy: Dudley has mainly horizontal attacks that can be shut down with a mix of standing lp ,mp, hp, slide, and neutral jump. I like to stay full screen away. For some reason If Dudley jumps, then slide is the easy option. Watch out for empty jump ins. Throw in a random lp roll into a poke or jump in and apply pressure with tick throw or combo. If he gets the pressure on you most of his moves can be reversaled with standing jab into whatever. When he has ultra don’t poke close or jump in because they thing can suck in anything. Lp roll into block may bait it out.

Useful OS’s:

Notes: Can use unblockable on Dudley in the corner

Player Notes about the match:


This is sort of interesting, if you do,, xx hp ball vs. Honda you can do an OS FADC on a blocked ball because you can’t FADC on hit.

Can we work together to put up a sim matchup - I hate this matchup, its the only one I feel like a noob when I play it. Can I slap his arms with shp? How do I get in? Or better to stand back and counter hit? Once I am in I am OK to mixup, but getting in on a good sim is hell.

use LP ball to get in on sim!
it traits/beats vs his arms (and cannot be punished afaik) and if he does nothing, you are in!
i really just spam this move! it drives sim-players nuts cuz most of them cant handle that BS!
its a really stupid matchup

Thanks, I’ll give it a shot, but usually lots of yoga flame to stop me there.

I think the EX backstep roll is good to approach sim, LP ball is also good, the slide in safe distance.

Maybe the sweep is good to try to trade with his HP ?

Controlling limbs is important. I do this 3 ways.

Do buffered walking electricity to try to trade with limbs.
Sweep limbs at max range.
LP ball to trade/beat limbs. and j.hp are pretty good here. They can beat and respectively if your spacing is on. You can also empty jump to bait something then punish. Pretty good vs. lk slide. sometimes.

Abuse the heck out of his wakeup. All teleports can be punished as well as backdash, force him to block. Kara throw him. Mix him up. Try to keep him cornered though if you push him there.

Slide every yoga fire you are in range to.

Don’t be afraid of your st.jab is better than it! If you block a, stick out a jab, you are at frame advantage, you need to press in.

U2 is great for turtling sim out. If you absorb enough you can have a very comfortable life lead and basically eliminate his options with down back. yoga fires can be u2’d, snipers can be upballed, and blocking limbs is whatever.

Speaking of which, be patient. If you are losing quickly you are doing something wrong, rounds should either be long and drawn out, or you should blow sim out. Upball punishing sniper means that Sim can’t fight your down back well, so just be patient and slowly work in.

what’s the kara throw you mentioned?

ps. love your commentary dude

kara throw thread should be like 5 threads down from this thread.

So, I am at a complete loss…is Dee Jay’s lk jackknife not safe jumpable?

It’s a 6 frame startup, yet none of my safe jump set-ups work…

Can someone explain this/help me with what to do after knocking down a Dee Jay?

What safejump setup are you using?

ones I tried that did not work

back throw, dash forward,
forward throw, nj, j.jk
forward throw, mp ball,

I THINK I tried forward throw, dash x2,

not sure though

I mean I think I know why the 2 forward throw ones didn’t work but shouldn’t the backthrow one work?

backthrow setup is not a true safejump for 6 frame reversals. It tends to cause reversals to whiff, and it is highly ambiguous.
the double jump setup only works on a specific set of characters, deejay is not one of them. Your jumpin would whiff because he’d still be waking up
mp ball setup is finnicky, you have to basically get it out asap
the setup is f.throw, dash, hop,, it works vs. him fine.

also I just do xx elec on his wakeup because you can crouch upkicks.

you should go to training mode, record yourself doing the setups vs. a 1p deejay and try to reversal them to work on your timing.

Alright thanks for the advice. Gonna play my Dee Jay friend who literally does that crap on wakeup every time…also finally realized that I can punish lk sobat with jab into ball…though if he has meter he can punish that on hit so…ugh god why does Blanka have to have the most unsafe specials ever (yet also probably the most safe one ever)