In AE the qcf x2 shortcut is 23236, but in 3S it’s 23623. Have to complete the first qcf. Just imagine that you’re doing a fireball motion, then afterwards jamming your stick into the corner.
Feeling the same way. Maybe it’s because the game isn’t in a constant state of flux like AE. Since 3S is pretty much solved at this point, any match-up you’re having trouble with can be looked up. Also, I’ve noticed not as many people sticking with the top tiers. Yeah, I see Chuns and Yuns more often than others, but I swear I’ve run into every character on the roster more often than I would thought I would. Far cry from AE.
Same here. For me it’s because they can’t catch up with Ultras unless they’ve built the Super bar on their own.
No more free damage attack for having a low life bar in the round! I also like that they can’t be saved with FADC.
And thanks Lost Fragment, that really did help with the execution of HPxxSA2. If you know of any other useful motions like that, let me know!
yun is really hard to play in 3S … i don’t expect to see any ‘new breed’ yuns tearing it up for a long time yet.
Any tips on doing hayate >> SA1? Someone told me to piano the 3 punches when I do the SA1 input, but it doesn’t seem to be helping any. Is it just a matter of getting used to the timing?
it’s a 1f link, just practice. piano-ing will definitely help though (6 inputs > 2). you can just strum your finger across the buttons to make sure you get the negative edge inputs fast.
im transitioning okay in 3rd strike i just gotta practice more parry and hit confirm super arts. my biggest gripe is after karakusa>st. hp, my super art doesnt come out no matter a second i wait. it is true what they say about this game… you need crazy reflexes and timing for that shit lol.
It has no special properties, it just looks kinda cool.
Any good set ups after knock downs? Seems like meaty karakusa would be useful as people may fish for parries.
I think I’ve picked up a few here and there.
- OS parry into Karakusa, otherwise EX Tsurugi to catch a throw/low block. Input 6963214+KK.
- Meaty s.MP into Karakusa is a REALLY tight tick throw. Many characters HAVE to jump to avoid it.
- Meaty Karakusa to catch people trying to parry/block.
- Late whiff s.LK into Kara-Karakusa works better than in AE.
- Meaty s.MP, s.LK (hit-confirm) xx LP Hayate, (block confirm) s.LK xx EX Oroshi or c.LK (don’t Hayate, will miss) or c.HP.
- s.HP xx EX Oroshi. Strictly to guess jumping or if you can time it right to hit a move/throw, but it’s the only way to combo into EX Oroshi, and EX Oroshi is +4 on block, so it’s actually a great guess due to the damage/knockdown/continued pressure.
- Risky, but c.LK xx LP Hayate works wonders. 3S Makoto seems to have that same situation where blocking low against her generally hurts more than helps.
- UOH, s.LK xx LP Hayate.
- Point blank f+MP, Kara-Karakusa. Hits bigger characters regardless.
- Neutral jump, late MK Tsurugi on the way down. Can combo from it, but it’s not really a hit-confirm like in AE. I think you can screw with people here pretty well:
Late HK Tsurugi
Late j.HK
Empty jump, Karakusa (techs throw if counter-thrown!)
Empty jump, EX Tsurugi
Empty jump, c.LK xx LP Hayate
There are also a bunch of SA hit-confirms/“hit guesses” here like:
s.MP > SA1, which is technically a 20 frame hit-confirm if you don’t meaty the s.MP.
UOH > SA1, more guess than hit-confirm.
MP Oroshi xx SA2 or SA1, SA2 works anywhere s.HP xx SA2 works.
c.LK xx SA1, your guess when you want to blow up guys who refuse to block low against you. Hey, V-Ryu, this is your special!
I thought all normal Hayates were +2, and SA1 was a 1 frame super? IE a 2 frame link?
How To Use Console Colors
You first need to beat the game with the character you want the console colors for.
Next, go to the menu: Downloadable Content
Select: My Content
Find your character, and select the new color pack that was unlocked.
It’s an either/or scenario regarding the color packs.
I cannot fucking beat Gill with Makoto even when I have it on the easiest setting. I guess I’m just too used to playing against humans.
arcade mode is EZ
knockdown -> meaty stand MP -> hk karakusa -> hp xx ex hayate -> repeat until they die
well, that’s how it was in every other version of the game anyways
I’ve got s.HP xx SA2 down. Landed it in matches every opportunity I could.
I’m so happy. :sad:
I don’t have the optimal follow-up, though. It’s not too big a deal, but in this case a few minutes ago, it was. I fought an Akuma: second round, he immediately jumps. I did anti-air parry, Karakusa, s.HP xx SA2, dash LP Fukiage, neutral jump HK. His stun was this full:
I think if I had done a heavy punch Fukiage it would have done it! Looking at the frame data, I’m a damn fool for not realizing this earlier.
LP Fukiage: 120 damage, 29 stun.
HP Fukiage: 160 damage, 31 stun.
Live and learn.
the big stun combos are:
s.hp xx SA2 -> dash under, kara lp fukiage with stand hk, dash lp fukiage (100% stun on most)
s.hp xx SA2 -> early mk tsrugi, mp fukiage, sj.HP (99% stun on most)
the slightly higher damage but lower stun combo is:
s.hp xx SA2 -> mk tsrugi, mp hayate, hp hayate
after stun you usually do: -> s.hp xx ex hayate
mp oroshi xx SA2 -> ender
taunt, SA2 -> ender
OK so now I’m a little more experienced. Every one of her specials seem to work differently so here are my questions : is it possible to combo after a LP or MP oroshi like in SF4 ? If not, what are their use ? Also, all three versions of fukiage work like SF4’s LP fuki, what are their differences ? (I believe the less start up for more damage but not sure…)
Edit : not sure this is the right place to ask my questions, sorry to bother if that’s the case
Just got 3rd Strike today, and am really enjoying it so far. Playing Mak since there is no Abel and I’ve been player her the last month or so in AE : D. Makoto feels pretty awesome in this game. Especially her Karakusa.
Had to also spend about 2 hours today so I could record this: [media=youtube]dRF2vP4DuIE[/media]
Random tip for learning how to do st.hp xx SA1/SA2: practice using SA2. At first I was practicing using SA1 so I could practice hayate >> SA1 at the same time, but if you practice using SA2 it’s easier to tell when you fail because of negative edge.
Something I’m not quite understanding during the AE to 3S transition. How does jump cancelling work in SF3 after a fukiage?
I don’t remember pressing a down motion and then up motion in SSF4AE to jump cancel. Is the fukiage into IAT in AE a jump cancel? Are you guys pressing down then up after a fukiage in SSF4AE? Or is the input leniancy in SF4 considering the down motion in the fukiage and the up motion for the jump as a jump cancel? (if it is even a jump cancel)
I’m trying to do it in 3SOE and I’m having the hardest of times figuring out the timing of when I should be pressing down then up. The training room setup I have is Dudley in a stun with Makoto close by to fukiage. I’m just doing it so I can figure out the timing on jump cancels for the bigger damage SA2 combo (mentioned by Roboto Makoto).