Advice from experienced programmer/developer needed

I started a team of three people in the hopes that we’d be able to learn together and make awesome games, while we haven’t really started working on anything I started learning a bit about code from sololearn but I just wanted a experienced word of advice I won’t really be able to do anything big until January but I don’t know what I should be focusing my time on.


Git Gud.

Before trying to code anything big or fancy, learn the basics and the good programing practices.
It is appaling to see how many modern sw developers, specially on the gaming side do some really stupid stuff because they keep doing everything the most idiotic way possible.

stop replying to bot threads

I’m just really inexperienced, you know a kid with a dream to make something that people will enjoy I’m doubting it right now but I haven’t given up.

learn the fundamentals of programming first before getting into game design. Got to learn to crawl before you want to walk.