Adon's New Alt costume

As seen in Ong Bak 2 and 3

I have sorta mixed feelings about this, not a huge fan of that color of green. Hoping for really good colors for this one, but I’m sure in game it looks pretty cool.

I like it, but none of the new alt costumes can beat Dan as Go Hibiki

I actually just recently watched Ong Bak 2 and 3, so this alternate is pretty bamf imo.

so awesome in game.

green isnt my thing either, id have to see it in other colours but I like it mostly
its one of the few I actually like out of this lot. I just hope when they release them that they are not all over the shop. Last time I only wanted Bison’s and Adons but had to buy two packs :frowning: they need to release the whole lot in one pack straight away this time.

I really hate that costume, he looks like dhalism now.

I hope they do release them in parts like they did before as i only want adons juri’s and kens.

I cant decide wether i like adons or not. Im defo going to buy it but i think his alt1 will still be my main choice. I think i will use his alt2 as a taunting costume to piss people off (not that i do that).

There are quite a few I like from this pack (Balrog, Guy, Bison, T.Hawk, ELF, etc…) so I’m probably more than likely pick this batch up. I really hope they release the whole pack ASAP because I hate waiting lol.

Conserning Adon’s costume, I think it looks pretty sweet ingame, the only gripe I have with it is, you can see his eyes and it looks goofy. If that part was covered and you just saw this evil ass grin, it’d be a winner.

There are quite a few I like from this pack (Balrog, Guy, Bison, T.Hawk, ELF, etc…) so I’m probably more than likely pick this batch up. I really hope they release the whole pack ASAP because I hate waiting lol.

Conserning Adon’s costume, I think it looks pretty sweet ingame, the only gripe I have with it is, you can see his eyes and it looks goofy. If that part was covered and you just saw this evil ass grin, it’d be a winner.

I can’t tell but I think the eyes might be on mask itself.

Anyway, I think it looks pretty sweet. In fact, I like most of the costumes in this batch so I might buy the complete pack.

Thailand ain’t that far from India ya know…

I like it. Adons current alt is pretty bland. This one has a lot more going on and looks cool as shit. Maybe they’ll do something special with it like how some characters alts color 10 has something different about it.

It’s ok but I’d like to see it in other colours before I can really decide… maybe I need to see Ong Bak to see what’s up

I consider myself a Tai person (not Thai), and share some common cultural points with the Thais.

I like the costume. But the mask has to go. It reminds me of Hanuman:

Hell why not deck Adon out in similar style to the great Thai King Naresuan:

hopefully the mask comes off

I think the mask is based off a traditional Hanuman Mask, but they really could have given a modern twist. The googly eyes look dumb imo.

its not that a dont like the mask, just think the costume would look better witout it! a like the thailand prince idea