Sure, I can take a loss, the only time I don’t say “good game” is when it truly wasn’t, like when the player is a jerk over the mic or rigged the match settings in their favor (30 seconds one round Cammy, I’m looking at you, you asshole), BUT I WILL NEVER ADMIT DEFEAT!
I should change my title to “Glutton for Punishment”.
I dont care about losses really or wins for that matter. I play fighting games and love them but if I get fucked over by someone who just spams hadoken and shoryukens then I’m pissed, besides that no one is perfect at games. I suck at Call of Duty but I get ‘forced’ to play it, no one is like Daigo unless they just play fighting games 24/7 and no job. (I’m probably going to get some hate from people but I dont even know Daigo and this is just what I have heard from people)
I say ggs to everyone rly and when i get hatemail i just ignore or ask them did that make ur day better or is ur self esteem higher now? Only thing that irks me is when ppl win because of lag or use lag switch think they hot shit then leave.
my new saying for every laggy match from a lag switch, “It’s a lag switch bitch!” when I fight online. Besides that, lag just sucks but I have fought a guy in canada or africa (can’t remember) and they had a 1 bar connection with no lag or button delay whatsoever. What the hell haha
I Don’t really mind admitting i loss however there are circumstances where i simply cannot accept the fact. For example just now i lost to a blanka that i clearly out skill and outclass. When i approach thunder. When i combo …thunder. When i ultra…thunder. i tend to get salty over idiocy like that easily.
Just another ‘cheap’ person. Personally, I think it takes no skill to play certain characters like blanka, all the shotos, vega and balrog (maybe even Bison and Seth?) but people who actually take that character seriously wouldn’t just always use thunder but besides that blankas are annoying :\