Absolute Question and Answer Thread v.3 (ASK YOUR QUESTIONS HERE!)

There a new project, where someone doing some actuate lag testing using an oscilloscope
The raw data can’t be misconstrue as badly and the actual timing is far far more accurate as you have the oscilloscope showing exactly when and how the signal is activated

I did found this

Keep in mind there alot of factors in play and there one thing about the results that will effect results.

How fast your System/console polls for data.

Meaning you can only go as fast as the console lets you. The console ask what state the controller is at and not the controller telling the console.

The other thing, with how the game engine processes that data, like in most fighting games, the game only takes an input on takes input once per frame on a frame to frame basis. So Ideally you want sub frame latency. So single millisecond differences in results don’t really matter, as long as you land within that frame.

Also the Baseline time would be a AES/MVS Neo Geo controller as it’s just wires and switches with zero encoder. And the NEO GEO controller is about 1ms.

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Would I get this arcade kit here ?


If you’re wanting a fully custom stick, not really. Depends on what games you’re playing with it

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Looks like you already found it.

Anyone here try the new SW-68CAU switches on their Sanwa buttons yet?

Is there any newer vewlix sticks out there? (like the VLX, the really long ones that were 1:1 same size as the vewlix panel) I really wanted one of the ones back in the day but I guess they don’t make them anymore?

They still got the last gen in stock (import)

Appreciate the link. I guess there’s no current gen version though huh?

Sorry, mistyped. “Last gen” = current gen

Ah I do see it says PS4 and PC tested/working - but it doesn’t sanwa parts? eh?

From my research for a top end sanwa based stick I guess I should be looking at the Qanba Dragon. It’s not the exact form factor I’d want (VLX) but it is all sanwa and does look heafty enough which is what I am mostly looking for.

I don’t see the SW-68CAU replacing the low profile Seimitsu buttons in my repertoire
As you still need to also get wiring harness adapters for each switch.

Can someone with a Qanba Drone (stock or JLF modded) get me a photo of the shaft with a nickle between the base of the case and the ball top? I’m wonder what the overall shaft height is. No need to remove the dust cover.

Thanks a lot

Picture for reference. This is my hrap 3 sa with a hayabussa lever.

I’m in the market for a newer joystick. I currently have an old Sanwa one that’s starting to wear out a bit. I’m not sure where to shop exactly (most Sanwa sticks are out of stock on focusattack.com) and I’m getting too many options for different joystick types.

Is there a discernible difference between the different Sanwa sticks? Is there a current “go-to” option which is considered the best commercially available stick out there?

There’s supposed to be a newer Sanwa model that incorporates the Link design into the stick. The model number is JLFD-TP-8YT.

Which one of you did this?

this would be something that @Gummo would put together for his kiddo.

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Is there a fighting commander-like pad for XBox? Wife tried to play MK11 with me the other night, and since she’s one handed; the standard XBox controller is a little hard for her to hold.

Edit: What would be a good button layout for a stick?

I have a stick that I assambled with an old zero delay PCB, American style. Anyone have any good tutorial vids on upgrading to a newer brook board? I have a PS4 ome I want to install so I can start taking it to tournaments. (Il Eurostick, with HAPP concaves dril;led into a giant chunk of wood)

its very self explanitory

Wire up one PCB, others aren’t too hard to figure out.

Brook board is labeled, and you just need to insert wires into each screw terminal.
You can even reuse some of the Zero Delay board wiring if you clip off the plugs that goes to the board
I do suggest getting a daisy chain wiring for all the grounds, as it be easier for you.

Premade daisy chain wiring is made and sold at many arcade part suppliers/