I see, I totally get what you are saying now.
Anyways, this is a little bit on how I developed my May.
I only know a few of those things, mostly what my character is capable of: ranges, speeds, what links what, etc. Not that I know every little detail, but for the most part I have a good handle on her.
For instance, when the round starts I know that my K will beat out most moves. From there I can link S into hoops or ride my dolphin over. If I anticipate that they will block, or play defensively I’ll throw out just the S to try to catch them because it has good range. If I’m feeling frisky I might throw out 6H instead, especially if I anticipate a jump.
If I think they’ll throw out a move, most of the time I can 2K under it and hit them. If they are big characters, like Pot, I’ll [2]S8H because I know my 2S will reach and is fairly quick. If I noticed they’ve been jumping I’l start the round with IAD to air throw.
I don’t know if everyone thinks this way at the start of the round, but this is what is going through my head. I have similar thoughts during the round, but to be honest this game is still a little fast for me and I have trouble reacting. I’ve noticed I’ve gotten a little better though.
Overall, I think I’ve probably played May a total of 8 hours in practice mode. I can only sit there so long and practice against a still opponent. I’ve probably spent another 8 in survival mode just playing against the weak computer. Sometimes I’ll try to beat the round using just S, or just hoops so that I can get a better idea of how the move works. It’s not entirely accurate because the computer is dumb as hell, but I think it’s helped me a little bit.
I think I have like 20 match vids total for May. They taught me some stuff, but I don’t think I blindly mimic them either. The way I like to play May is to just barrage my opponent with knock-downs and then play high-low with them. I’m working on my mixup so that I can try some other shit too, but I’ve been keeping my stuff pretty basic and just leading in with K, or K-D, sometimes I just run in and throw a 2D + hoops.
There are some really crazy ass JI combos for May, but I don’t use them because I can’t do the whole combo(I do have JI down fairly good with her though, I just haven’t got around to trying it out on any real players). I just told myself not to overcomplicate things and stick with basic combos until I have those down perfectly. My dust combo is also lame, but it gets the job done and I don’t have problems pulling it off.
What I focused on was just trying to calm myself down cuz I get hella worked up for some reason(random air bursts), learning how to block and not be scared of the blood web setup, and learning what moves work well against what characters. I found out that Baiken’s tatami’s or whatever totally stuff my dolphin, so…
Anyways, that is what I am doing to learn the basics. Most of the game is mental for me, and I think about stuff more than I practice it. Mostly I just wait for the tournaments to roll around, get stomped, and think about why I got my ass beat so badly.
lates, foo.