About HRAP PRO V LED Button


Hello everyone? I apologize for my rudeness before I say. I live in a non - English speaking country. So my English is so bad that words can be misdirected to you. I am now trying to retrofit my HRAP PRO V and install the LED button. But I have no knowledge in this field. So, after searching and studying in this forum, I noticed that I could install the LED in a simple way, but that thread asked me for a common ground PCB.


But my HRAP PCB had a separate ground for each button, so I refer to the following comment to make a common ground.


So my plan is this. Once I get 5V and GND from USB. I then use the 4066 switch and 7404 to make all the push buttons common ground. Then I will use a 74HCT20 hex inverter to install the LEDs.

I already know that there are various MOD PCBs. But I want to make this plan possible myself. If you have expertise in this field, do you think my plan is possible?

P.S. I created a new thread for the LED button because the thread above was too old. I am not familiar with how to use this community. If this thread is a problem, I will fix or delete it. :smiley:

All your push buttons ARE common ground, because the PCBs that Hori uses these days are common ground. You don’t need to “make” the board common ground. Each button has a separate ground wire because it’s easier a) for the manufacturer to arrange/assemble, and b) easier for the average person to replace individual pushbuttons.

Otherwise, yes, using the hex inverter will work fine for the mod. Remember that you’ll need 2 hex inverters for all 8 buttons since one hex inverter will be able to do 6 buttons with light-up-on-press at most.

Aha! Thank you for your kind reply. If so, can I think of all the GNDs assigned to each button as common ground? I painted my thoughts as shown below. The figure below shows when I was working on one button. The overall plan is to do this for every button. Please take a look at the picture and let me know the wrong point. please. xD (I just painted a Hex Inverter for simple drawing.)

Also that V is not a roman numeral 5.
There is no actual thing as a HRAP PRO 5.

The HRAP PRO V with the V standing for Vewlix.
Vewlix is the Arcade cab that the Hrap Pro V is trying to mimic.

Oh, okay. Thank you for your feedback. I will modify the content and title according to your words.

Wait, did you just take parts (the pushbutton and the LED) of my old hand-drawn Windows Paint LED drawing to essentially draw your own picture of exactly what I had drawn in the first place?

I now know that the painting I saw and learned was yours. I could draw the push button and the LED myself, but I found a neat image on Google. I just wanted to tell you what I wanted to do with the picture than with the words. I apologize if this offends you. I will modify the picture right away. I am really sorry. (If you want to delete, I will do so.)

No, it was just funny that you would essentially re-draw what was already drawn. No need to take it down or anything. :slight_smile:

Then I am really glad. I have a question for you. Most of the photos I referenced were daisy chained and needed one last GND. But my PCB has several GNDs in relation to buttons. How can you handle them like your picture?

It doesn’t matter. They’re all electrically the same ground.
You can keep using the wires you have (individual wires), or you can remove most of them and make your own daisy-chain of grounds.

I want to use all the lines I have. If so, where should I connect the GND from the hex inverter? Is it possible to connect GND from a hex inverter to only one of several GNDs?

Pick a ground, any ground.

It was really simple. Thank you for giving me your time. Only good things will fill you. :slight_smile: